Needs Analysis: Development of Local Excellence-Based Reading Texts to Improve Communication Skills of Tour Guides in Papua Universitas Cenderawasih Abstract This paper describes the initial stages of a needs analysis project developed in the context of tourism in Papua with the aim of identifying the needs of the target group of learners (tour guides) and introducing local excellence-based reading text courses and teaching materials. This study adopted the needs analysis framework suggested by Hutchinson and Waters (1994) focusing on target needs and learning needs. The type of research used is research and development (Research and Development). Development research is used to design new products or procedures that are systematically tested in the field, evaluated, developed so that they meet the criteria for effectiveness, quality or similarity to a standard (Borg and Gall, 2003: 569). The development model used in this study is a model developed by Sukmadinata (Syaodih 2007: 182). This model includes 2 stages of development, namely a preliminary study in the form of a needs analysis and the development of teaching materials. Qualitative descriptive method is used in this research. The field survey was conducted to obtain information about the needs of prospective tour guides regarding English learning materials and the learning approaches needed for the development of English teaching materials in the context of local wisdom. The research findings reveal the need for the development of very specific English courses or what is often called as ^English for Specific Purposes^ (ESP) with a clear focus on the target discipline, tourism in Papua. There is also a demand for ESP training provision which addresses the urgent needs of tour guides and their long-term needs as professionals in the tourism business. Keywords: need analysis, tourism, tour guide, local excellence - based reading text, ESP Topic: Education |
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