THE INFLUENCE OF CAREER DEVELOPMENT, JOB AUTONOMY, AND JOB SATISFACTION TO ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT OF WIDYAISWARA (LECTURER): STUDIES ON THE CENTRAL AGENCY OF INDONESIAN GOVERNMENT TRAINING INSTITUTES Poltek STIA LAN Abstract Widyaiswara (lecturers) hold an important role as a key actor in educating, training, and coaching the State Civil Apparatus (ASN). However, this role is not performed optimally because the State Agency of Education and Training (Lembaga Diklat) does not uphold their status/position/post. This propensity could be seen in a number of symptoms, e.g. The Widyaiswaras have (1) low commitment in organisation, (2) lack of fulfilment in job autonomy, (3) lack of job satisfaction, and (4) difficulty in complying the preferment credit. These symptoms represent the relationship disharmony between the employee and the employer institution so that an organisational behaviour study needs to be carried out. On the one hand, the organisational behaviour study approach in other countries tends to place research subjects in the realm of private/corporate institutions. As an alternative, this study highlights organisational behaviour with a slightly similar approach but in the context of Indonesian ASN^s behaviour by measuring the influence of career development, job autonomy, and job satisfaction to the Widyaiswara^s organisational commitment in the Central Agency of Indonesian Government Training Institute. The study was conducted by applying quantitative methods with data collection techniques in the form of a survey of 108 Widyaiswara in Indonesia, from October 2015 to August 2017. Data analysis was carried out descriptively (Weighted Mean Score) and inferentially (Path Analysis). The results show that (1) career development, (2) job autonomy, (3) job satisfaction has a direct positive influence on organisational commitment indeed. Keywords: widyaiswara, career development, job autonomy, satisfaction, organizational commitment Topic: Humanity and Social Science |
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