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MODEL OF SILK PENCAK SILAT KITTLE TRAINING BASED ON EXERCISE MEDIA IN STUDENTS SILENT PENCAK ATHLETES (Research and Development Study Model of Sickle-Based Exercise Kick Media Training of Student Athletes)
Ramdani Amrullah, Firmansyah Dlis, Hernawan, Widiastuti

IKIP-PGRI Pontianak


This study aims to produce a sickle kick training model based on training media, this research uses questionnaire instruments and quantitative and qualitative data using the research & development (R&D) method of borg & gall. The stages of this research are (1) needs analysis (2) model products in the form of prototypes (3) product design development and implementation stages (4) expert testing (5) revision (6) field testing (7) wider product revision (8) due diligence (9) final product (10) distribution Area, the effectiveness test through the initial test obtained the initial test value of the right sickle kick ability of 6.944 and left, 6.39. While skills are 65.22 right, and 71.26 left. After being given treatment, the right sickle kick ability was 8.70, and left was 8.04. Skills 62.48 right, 68.66 for the left so it can be concluded that the sickle kick training model based on training media is effective in improving the ability and kick skills, based on the results obtained from the model effectiveness test, it can be concluded that the sickle kick training model based on training media in the sport of pencak silat that is applied has increased, which is evidenced by the initial test and the final test is a significant difference and is declared feasible for use in sickle kick training.

Keywords: Model, Sickle kick, Swiss ball

Topic: Science and Technology

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (ramdani amrullah)

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