The Level of Student Knowledge of Laboratory Equipment and Materials
Restiana (a*), Djukri (b)

a,b) Postgraduate Biology Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jl. Colombo No. 1 Yogyakarta 55281


The Biology Laboratory is an important variable in determining the quality of output from secondary schools. Adequate laboratory equipment suitable for teaching in secondary schools will help improve student skills. Getting to know the equipment and materials in the laboratory helps the learning process in the laboratory. This study aims to determine the level of student knowledge of laboratory equipment and materials. This study uses a survey method with a sample of 106 high school students grade XI in Yogyakarta. Data collection is done by testing the knowledge of laboratory equipment and materials. Data analysis is performed by calculating the average percentage and qualifying into a range of category values. This study shows that the level of student knowledge of laboratory equipment names is quite good with an average percentage of 70.87%, the level of student knowledge of laboratory equipment functions is good with an average percentage of 81.39%, the level of student knowledge of how to use tools the laboratory is good with an average percentage of 88.99%, the level of student knowledge of the type of laboratory material is good with an average percentage of 88.67% and the level of student knowledge of the grouping of materials used in certain subject matter that is not good with an average average percentage of 41.16%.

Keywords: Knowledge- Laboratory equipment- Laboratory material

Topic: Science and Technology

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