Literature Review of Modality in Text or Discourse a) Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jalan Raya Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta Timur 13220, Indonesia Abstract This research aims to examine modalities in text or discourse from several scientific articles. The method used is the study of literature. The data source comes from thirty scientific articles. The articles were reviewed based on the purpose of the researchers analyzing the modalities, the data sources used, the modality theories that became the guidelines for drawing conclusions, the research methods applied, as well as the results and discussions that the researchers were working on. Based on the results of the research obtained the purpose of the research from thirty articles studied is to identify, analyze, and describe the modalities that are often used and identify the modalities used to compensate for modalities in the text or discourse studied. The most widely used data source by researchers to analyze modalities is news or newspaper text. The theory used in the articles studied is the theory of systemic functional linguistic modality put forward by Halliday, Palmer, Alwi, and Bieber. In the process of reviewing articles found two types of research used namely qualitative research types and types of research that combine qualitative and quantitative. For the methods used are quite diverse, but the most widely used method is the corpus method. From the results and discussions known modality plays an important role in the delivery of messages on text or discourse. Keywords: LFS- modality- text- literature review Topic: Humanity and Social Science |
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