HUMAN RESOURCES EMPOWERMENT IN THE WOMEN^S BUSINESS COMMUNITY IN MEDAN AND SURROUNDING CITIES IN THE ERA OF REVOLUTION 4.0 Universitas Sumatera Utara Abstract During the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 human resources (HR) played an important role in achieving the goals of organizations as well as organizations in a community. Communities in a region need to empower human resources in the organization so that various problems exist in hr in the community from administrators and members because of changes mainly due to the industrial revolution 4.0. Therefore, it is necessary to look at human resources empowerment in a community, especially the women^s community. The purpose of this research is to do internal mapping on human resources empowerment that exists in the community in the surrounding Medan city area. The population of this study is a community manager located in Medan city and surrounding area of 70 people from 37 communities who are willing to fill out questionnaires. The method of sampling is done with the principle of snowball so that in the sampling is more accurate with the recommendation of the next sample. As for the results of research on human resource empowerment in the community is positive thinking which is 68.6% while engaging in work for members and digging into the ideas of community members is done by 65.7% of administrators. Meanwhile, in creating a strategy together the community is only done by 42.6%. According to 48.6% of respondents who stated to delegate activities to community members. Meanwhile, 52.9% of respondents said there was community training if needed. The results showed that variable ease of doing activities was stated by 62.9% of respondents. Meanwhile, 35.7% of respondents used social media to introduce their community. And only 40% use social media to promote their community. This shows that IT technology is not yet fully used for the improvement of community activities in daily activities except for ease in the notification of activities to be carried out. Therefore, training and mentoring is needed in improving human resources empowerment and the ability to use social media f Keywords: Pemberdayaan SDM, Revolusi 4.0, komunitas Topic: Humanity and Social Science |
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