The Influencer Fugures in Deleloping Urban Farming Tourism Concept at Kampung Tangguh Jawara Setu Perigi Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Trisakti Abstract This study aims to determine the role of The Influencer in The Power to Change Anything. In a sleeping area of 3 hectares, Suhanda Johan (The Influencer) independently moves the community of RT 03 RW 05 Kelurahan Perigi Baru, Pondok Aren District, Pondok Aren District, South Tangerang City by converting the land into agricultural land and fisheries cultivation in the middle of a productive city and at the same time strengthen the food security of the surrounding community. This activity has become something viral and has been published in several media today, so that what was originally just an ordinary community activity, is now developing under the National Police Headquarters development program with the concept of Kampung Tangguh Jawara (Keep the Citizen^s Health Safe, Religious, Prosperous) and currently its development is towards the concept. Urban Farming Tourism. Keywords: The Influencer, Kampung Tangguh Jawara, Urban Farming Tourism Topic: Humanity and Social Science |
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