Effect of Organizational Justice, Trust on Organizational Commitment.
Tri Erie Wardhani (a)- Prof.Dr.R. Madhakomala, M.Pd (b)- Prof Ma^ruf Akbar, M.Pd (c)

a)Universitas Negeri Jakarta
JL Rawamangun Muka Raya, Jakarta Timur. Indonesia

b)Universitas Negeri Jakarta
JL Rawamangun Muka Raya, Jakarta Timur. Indonesia

c)Universitas Negeri Jakarta
JL Rawamangun Muka Raya, Jakarta Timur. Indonesia


Human resources play an important role for organizational growth. therefore organizational commitment is needed in supporting the achievement of company goals.The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of organizational justice and trust on organizational commitment. The method used in this study is a survey method with path analysis technique. Path analysis is used to test the direct influence of variables: Justice (X1), Trust (X2), and Organlzational Commitment (Y) in the Metropolitan Golden Management Hotel Group. The number of samples for the study were 123 respondents drawn from 153 population. The resurts showed that Organizational Justice, and Trust had a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment. Suggestlon, Metropolitan Golden Management Hotel Group continues to Improve the quality of organlzatlonal Justice and trust to Increase organizational commitment.

Keywords: Organizational Justice- Trust- Organizational Commitment

Topic: Humanity and Social Science

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