The Role of CSR in Enhancing Sustainable Development
Emilkamayana,Henita Rahmayanti, Nadiroh

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


The increasing population causes various environmental, social, and economic problems. This was followed by industrial operational activities carried out by various companies to date. As a result, there are complexities between these environmental, social, and economic aspects. For example, the change in the function of forest land into industrial areas with the aim of infrastructure development has two sides of view, one side is how the development will continue to advance the economy, but on the other hand, its existence will actually have a negative impact. To overcome this, CSR efforts were made. CSR itself is an obligation that must be done by the industry to be able to encourage various activities that are beneficial to the Sustainable Development Program. The purpose of this study is to determine the role of CSR in a complement to creating sustainable development. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative method by reviewing and synthesizing journals related to CSR. The findings in this study that the role of CSR is very important to support the Sustainable Development Program for a better future, not only for economic benefits for the company, but all the components in it must get the benefits. Corporate Social Responsibility is a form of concern and responsibility that must be carried out appropriately by actively collaborating with relevant stakeholders, especially local people who are directly involved in it. As a result, companies must understand precisely that the role of CSR is the key to the company^s long-term success which must be developed regularly and integrated in a balanced manner with the three aspects, people, planet and profit.

Keywords: CSR, Sustainable Development, Company

Topic: Science and Technology

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