STRUCTURAL EQUATION MODELING- PARTIAL LEAST SQUARE : ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECT OF WEBSITE QUALITY ON PURCHASE INTENTION IN SHOPEE E-COMMERCE (CUSTOMER^S TRUST AS INTERVENING VARIABLE) Universitas Pamulang Abstract This study aims to examine the effect of website quality on consumer trust, test the effect of website quality on purchase intention, test the effect of consumer trust on purchase intention and test the indirect effect of website quality on purchase intention with consumer trust as an intervening variable in the Shopee^s E-Commerce. The population of this research is all shopee visitors in 2019 amounting to 90.7 million. Respondents of this research are undergraduate students of the Faculty of Economics, Pamulang University who are users of the Shopee E-Commerce. The sample in this study used purposive sampling with certain criteria and used an iterative formula in order to obtain a total sample size of 100 people. The data analysis method used in this research is to analyze the measurement model (outer model) consisting of convergent validity and reliability tests, the structural model analysis (inner model) and hypothesis testing. Data analysis using Structural Equation Modelling with Partial Least Square Approach. In this study it was found that there was a positive and significant influence between website quality on consumer trust, there was a positive and significant influence between website quality on purchase intention, there was a positive and significant influence between consumer trust on purchase intention and there was a significant positive influence between the indirect variables, namely website quality on purchase intention with consumer trust as an intervening variable at the real level of 10%. Keywords: (Consumer Trust, Intervening Variable, E-Commerce) Topic: Science and Technology |
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