Analysis of Research Instruments: Use of Gadgets in Biology Learning to Student Learning Interests a) Postgraduate Program in Biological Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia Abstract This research aimed to determine the validity and reliability of the instrument. The type of this research is survey. The subjects in this study were 100 high school students year 2018/2019 from five different regions: 33 respondents in DIY, 31 respondents in Central Java, 22 respondents in East Java, 11 respondents in West Java and three respondents in West Sumatera. The respondents were students in Science class of 10 grade (n=11), 11 grade (n=35) and 12 grade (n=54). Data was collected by questionnaire. This instrument used the answer or response category based on a Likert scale, where the level score started from the lowest (1) to the highest (4). In this study, analysis method used to determine the eligibility of items in the questionnaire was carried out with the significance of the reliability coefficient. This was performed to calculate the reliability coefficient per item using the reliability analysis with the Alpha Cronbach formula. Based on the analysis of the statement items using SPSS, out of 22 items, 18 items were recognized as valid and four items were considered invalid. On the reliability test, the 22 questions given to 100 respondents had Cronbach Alpha value of 0.763, and this showed a sufficient reliability. Keywords: gadget, validity, reliability, biology Topic: Science and Technology |
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