The Construct Validity Analysis of Product-Based Learning Models and Entrepreneurial Pedagogy Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis in Engineering Education
Ganefri, Muhammad Anwar, Hendra Hidayat

Universitas Negeri Padang


Engineering education and entrepreneurship education are two things that cannot be separated, because in addition to preparing students who are skilled in the work and areas of knowledge they master, engineering education is able to improve and develop their creativity in the midst of demands and competitive competition so that each graduate is able to open employment. This study aims to produce a product-based learning model in realizing the quality of education and teaching of technology and vocational education to actively learn, participate and interact, with competence and orientation to produce a product, either goods or services needed and able to realize the goals of entrepreneurship education. Based on the results of the study, it was found that most of the indicators both in the development of Product-Based Learning Models and the development of Entrepreneurship Pedagogics (Entrepreneurship) have good validity (above 0.70) and some others are still acceptable because they have a loading factor value above 0.50. This shows that all these indicators have a fairly good construct validity. As for construct reliability, based on estimates using Composite Reliability (CR) and Average Variance Extracted (AVE) it can be concluded that all variables affect student attitudes towards entrepreneurship. As for construct reliability, based on estimates using Composite Reliability (CR) and Average Variance Extracted (AVE) it can be concluded that all variables affect student attitudes towards entrepreneurship. Through these two types of tests, it can be proven that the student achievement instrument has good construct reliability.

Keywords: Engineering Education, Entrepreneurship, Product-Based Learning Models

Topic: Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers

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