Strengthening the Profile of Pancasila Students through Extracurricular Activities of the Project Learning-Based Waste Bank Program (PjBL) Universitas Negeri Gorontalo Abstract This study aims to test the effectiveness of the extracurricular program on ^waste bank^ based on project learning towards strengthening the profile of Pancasila students. The study used a pre-posttest experimental design without a control group, on 71 students at one high school in Gorontalo. The instrument for measuring the Pancasila profile uses a questionnaire adapted based on the Pancasila Profile indicator in the Merdeka Curriculum. This instrument is done in writing by the students, before and after the implementation of the project. Data were analyzed using the Rasch model with the help of Winstep 3.7.3 software. This analytical approach allows research to measure changes in the profile of Pancasila, before and after project implementation. The results of the study show: (1) there is an effect of implementing the waste bank extracurricular program on strengthening the Pancasila profile, seen in the results of measuring the moral dimension to nature (the value of identifying problems), the critical reasoning dimension (on the value of analyzing information), and (the creative dimension on the value of finding ideas) and- (2) there are dimensions of the Pancasila student profile that have changed significantly. Seen in the results of the measurement of the profile of Pancasila students, namely the critical reasoning dimension has a higher value (-0.11 logit) than the moral to nature (-0.08) and the creative dimension (0.01 logit). Thus, it is true that the extracurricular program of the waste bank program through project-based learning is able to strengthen the profile of Pancasila students. Keywords: Pancasila Student Profile, Waste Bank Extracurricular, PjBL Topic: Opportunities and Challenges for Future Teachers |
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