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Name Dr. Denies Priantinah
Institution Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Research Accounting, Finance, Accounting Education

This study aims to determine the effect of pedagogical approach, learning facilities, students^ learning style, self-directed learning readiness on learning outcomes in online practicum learning in the faculty of economics Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. This research is correlational research that aims to test or measure the strength of the relationship or association between variables. The population in this study were students of the Faculty of Economics, Yogyakarta State University. The sample size of this study was 456 respondents, but there were 120 responses that were outliers and were excluded from the analysis. The amount of data used for analysis is 336 responses. The method of data collection is done by making online questionnaires to facilitate the dissemination to users. The data has been analyzed by descriptive analysis. Hypothesis testing using Structural Equation Model (SEM) with Partial Least Square (PLS). The result of this study shows pedagogical approach, learning facilities, and students^ learning style has a significant direct effect on self-directed learning readiness. Self-directed learning readiness has a significant direct effect on learning outcomes. In addition, there is a significant indirect effect of instructional design, learning facilities, and students^ learning style on learning outcomes. The implication is that if the faculty wants to improve learning outcomes, it is necessary to increase instructional design, learning facilities, students^ learning style, and self-directed learning readiness.

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