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The Analysis of the Water Quality of Peristis Lake and Limboto Lake as Irrigation Water Sources in Gorontalo Province
Marike Mahmud1*, Fitryane Lihawa2, Aryati Alitu3, Rawiyah Husnan4, Barry Labdul5

Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Gorontalo


This study aims to analyze the water quality of Perintis Lake and Limboto Lake as water sources of irrigation in Gorontalo Province. The review was carried out based on the research objective, namely the use of water as irrigation water for flowing rice fields. The sampling locations were carried out in 2 lake locations, namely Limboto Lake and Perintis Lake. The research became an initial survey so that the location of each lake was one location and one time sampling. The parameters studied included temperature, TDS, COD turbidity, phosphate, pH, nitrate, iron, manganese, cyanide, arsenic, Florida, chlorine, manganese, magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, total coli and E.Coli. The analysis was carried out at the Gorontalo District Health Office of UPTD Water Quality Laboratory Installation and LPPT Gadjah Mada University. The sampling method for Total Coli and Coliform was carried out aseptically, and measurements in the laboratory used the MPN method. The way of taking chemical and physical samples followed SNI 8995-2021. Data analysis employed Government regulation number 22 of 2021 attachment VI regarding lake water quality standards and the like. Analysis of water for irrigation purposes applied the Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) classification. The results showed that the water quality of Perintis Lake and Limboto Lake did not meet the requirements of Government Regulation no 22 of 2021 because the Chlorine, COD and Phosphate parameters were above the required quality. Limboto Lake^s pollution level was higher than Perintis Lake. The results of the SAR analysis for Perintis Lake obtained 7.542 including water criteria with Low Sodium, and Limboto Lake was 11.23 with Medium Sodium criteria.

Keywords: Lake Water Quality

Topic: Optimization Research Based on Local Resources

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