Gesi and Numeracy in Let^s Read Books Level 1 Kisyani Laksono1*, Endah Budi Rahaju2, Zulaikhah Abdullah3, Ahmad Bayu Prastyo4, Raras Tyasnurita5
1. Universitas Negeri Surabaya (1,2,3,4)
2. Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya (5)
This study aims to identify gender equality, social inclusion (gesi), and numeracy in Let^s Read level 1- identify the conformity of the book with the guidelines. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The data sources come from five books in the Indonesian language Let^s Read level 1. The analysis uses gender equality instruments, social inclusion instruments, numeracy instruments, and level 1 guidelines content. The results show that gender equality is reflected in four books, social inclusion in one book, and numeracy is reflected in one book. In terms of content suitability and the role of illustration, all of the books are according to the guidelines. This shows that there is still a gender bias in books for children, even if it is only visible in the pictures. In addition, social inclusion related to the presence of children with special needs and the introduction of numeracy for children needs to be increased.
Keywords: gender equality, social inclusion, numeracy, let^s read