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Development Of Beach Tourism In ImprovingRegional Original Income In Bone Bolango District Gorontalo Province
Frahmawati Bumulo,Irawati Abdul

Universitas Negeri Gorontalo


The purpose of the research that has been carried out is, how to plan the potential for beach tourism in the coastal area of Bone Bolango by maintaining supporting facilities and infrastructure around tourist sites such as: Botutonuo, whale shark marine tourism in coalni,
The respondent selection method was carried out using different methods for two groups of respondents (coastal community groups and institutional groups), where for community respondents the method used was simple random sampling method, while the institutional unit used was the purposive method.
The number of community samples taken were 30 respondents, consisting of 10 respondents at each sample location. Meanwhile, the institutional units interviewed were adjusted to the number of institutional units in each coastal village. It is estimated that there are around 5-10 institutions for each sample location. The analytical tools used are descriptive analysis to describe the potential profile of coastal human resources resources and quantitative analysis (SWOT) which aims to determine which is the most important direction for the development of creative economic potential in coastal tourism locations. Bone Bolango.
The results that have been achieved in this study are the drafting of a potential coastal tourism design on the coast of Bone Bolango which is expected to increase the income of the community around tourist sites and be able to increase the Regional Original Income of Bone Bolango Regency from the tourism sector.

Keywords: Coastal Tourism Development, Local Revenue

Topic: Solidarity, Partnership, and Culture

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (frahmawati bumulo)

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