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RPLBK with Pancasila Character Values based on Balinese Local Culture
I Ketut Dharsana, Wayan Eka Paramartha

Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha


The general purpose of implementing community service is to produce a set of counseling guidance services in the form of Characterized RPBK which will be used in providing counseling guidance services in schools. While the specific purpose of this community service is to improve counseling guidance services carried out by counseling teachers. This service is carried out through providing training in writing Characterized RPBK and implementing counseling guidance services through lesson study. The subjects of this community service are counseling teachers at SMK Negeri 1 Singaraja and practical students. From the knowledge and understanding possessed by the counseling teacher, it can be collaborated with the knowledge of students who practice counseling to be able to produce a set of counseling guidance services in order to improve counseling guidance services carried out in schools. So that students are able to develop themselves in order to achieve their life goals. Through the results of this community service, it is hoped that there will be an increase in quality and professionalism in the provision of guidance and counseling services.

Keywords: RPBK Character, Review Action, Guidance Counseling

Topic: Solidarity, Partnership, and Culture

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