Muhammad Azil Maskur (a)*, Eta Yuni Lestari (b), Ristina Yudhanti (c), Edwindha Prafitra Nugraheni (d)

(a) Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang
(b) Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang
(c) Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang
(d) Fakuty of Education, Universitas Negeri Semarang


Throughout 2020 National Commission on Violence Woman Indonesia data recorded that there were 590 complaints related to sexual violence against women, while in the Kemdikbudristek survey, 77% of lecturers stated that sexual violence had occurred on campus and 63% of lecturers did not report cases they knew to the campus. Seeing this data, Nadiem Makarim, Minister of Education, Culture, Higher Education, Research and Technology responded to the public^s desire by issuing Permenristek Dikti Number 30 of 2021 concerning Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence in Higher Education. This ministerial policy must be responded to quickly by every university by utilizing various adequate infrastructure facilities including using technology. The purpose of this paper is (1) to conduct a comprehensive analysis of how the sociological juridical review related to sexual violence in universities (2) model the use of technology in the prevention and handling of sexual violence in universities.

Juridically, sexual violence in universities has been regulated in several laws and regulations, both as prevention and handling, both administrative and criminal approaches. This is in response to the sociological fact that sexual violence is an iceberg phenomenon that must be resolved with various approaches and special attention to victims. As a serious effort to prevent and handle sexual violence in universities, it is necessary to utilize information technology either through web portals, email, social media, whatsapp business, or other technological devices. The use of technological devices other than as a means of prevention through campaigns is also a means of handling through a fast and appropriate reporting system and service for cases of sexual violence.

Keywords: Technology, Sexual Violence, Higher Education

Topic: Solidarity, Partnership, and Culture

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