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151 Social Science ABS-9

Livelihood Analysis of Rice Farmer Households Engaging in Diverse Commodity in Manyaran District, Wonogiri Regency
Azizah Ridha Ulilalbab(1), Zulfa Nur Auliatun Nissa^(2*), Nevia Nurmalasari(2), Indah Restutami Herjiwandini(2), Nurul Hidayah(2)

1) Department of Agotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
2) Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture,Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta


Rice farming in Manyaran Village, Wonogiri Regency, is difficult due to high capital and production expenses, low yields, and low market pricing. Local rice farmers have changed their cultivation practices to promote food security and economic growth due to economic constraints. This study examines Manyaran Village rice farmers^ horticultural diversification tactics to boost income and sustainability. With efficient poverty reduction and food security techniques, the study hopes to contribute to broader development goals. Combining quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews with Manyaran Village rice growers, the study uses mixed methodologies. Financial data on rice and horticultural cultivation includes production costs, yields, and income. Socioeconomic issues influencing farmers^ diversification decisions and their livelihoods are also examined. Diversifying into horticulture has reduced production costs and increased profitability, while traditional rice farming has high production costs and low economic returns. Farmers^ strongest capitals are social (1.79), natural (1.77), and human (1.71). Good community interactions, active farmer groups offering marketing options, and agricultural equipment help boost social capital. Large land and irrigation resources with productive, elderly labor willing to learn new horticultural techniques boost natural and human capital. Farmers might expand into horticulture for better economic results due to these variables. Manyaran Village farmers have benefited from horticultural diversification rather than rice farming. Traditional rice cultivation strains the economy, yet this sustainable agricultural approach can be duplicated in other contexts and promotes development goals. Long-term effects and policy support for varied farming systems should be studied

Keywords: Agricultural diversification- horticulture- livelihood analysis- poverty reduction-rice farming

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152 Social Science ABS-11

Shallot Price Forecast in Traditional Markets of the Special Region of Yogyakarta
Herdiana Anggrasari1, Aura Dhamira1*, Handani Maheresmi2

1Faculty of Agriculture, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta
2Faculty of Economics and Business, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta


This paper aimed to see the trend of shallot^s price in traditional markets in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, as well as to see its changes over time to be able to forecast future price of the commodity. The data used collected from Department of Agriculture and Food Security of the Special Region of Yogyakarta consisting of the price of shallots from five markets across the province, namely Argosari market, Bantul market, Beringharjo market, Wates market and Sleman market. Time series data was used in this paper, which is monthly data dated from April 2021 to December 2023. We used descriptive analysis method to see the trend and changes of shallot^s price in five markets in Yogyakarta Special Region while MAPE was used to see the best model for price forecasting. The result shows that the price trend of shallot tend to rise over time and the exponential smoothing becomes the best model to forecast the price of shallot in the Special Region of Yogyakarta.

Keywords: forecasting- price- shallot- trend

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153 Social Science ABS-267

Navigating Domestic and International Pressures: A Securitization Analysis of Indonesia^s Nickel Policy
Aryanta Nugraha, Ludiro Madu, Indro Herry Mulyanto

Jurusan Ilmu Hubungan Internasional, FISIP, UPN ^Veteran^ Yogyakarta.


This paper examines Indonesia^s nickel downstreaming policy, a strategy aimed at boosting economic growth and establishing the country as a major player in the battery and electric vehicle industry. While existing analyses often view this policy through the lens of resource nationalism, this perspective overlooks crucial international political and economic dynamics. We propose a securitization/resource security framework to provide a more comprehensive understanding of Indonesia^s nickel downstreaming policy. The natural resource securitization approach frames natural resources as existential threats to state interests, varying based on specific conditions. This framing occurs when natural resource issues impact economic security, regime stability, or geopolitical standing. Using qualitative analysis of policy documents and economic data, we argue that Indonesia^s nickel downstreaming policy is a response to perceived threats to economic and regime security, as well as geopolitical challenges at both domestic and international levels. This new perspective offers insights into the complex interplay of factors driving Indonesia^s natural resource policies. Our findings suggest that policymakers and researchers should consider a broader range of security concerns when analyzing resource policies in developing economies. This approach may have implications for understanding similar policies in other resource-rich countries.

Keywords: Indonesia, Nickel downstreaming, Securitization

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154 Social Science ABS-12

The Role of Sustainable Reporting as a Mediator Between Risk Management and Financial Performance of Mining Sector Companies in Indonesia
Alfistia Maradidya (1*), Sri Anom Amongjati (2)

(1)(2) Universitas Pembangunan Nasional ^Veteran^ Yogyakarta
Jl. SWK Jl. Ring Road Utara No.104, Ngropoh, Condongcatur, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, 55283, Indonesia


This study aims to analyze the role of sustainable reporting as a mediator between risk management and the financial performance of companies in the mining sector in Indonesia. Mining companies must implement effective risk management to achieve optimal financial performance when facing complex industry challenges and high risks. Additionally, transparency in sustainable reporting is increasingly important to meet stakeholder demands for environmental, social, and governance accountability. This study uses a quantitative approach by analyzing secondary data from financial and sustainability reports of companies, specifically in the mining sector, listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the 2020 to 2022 period. The research testing is conducted using SPSS. Multiple linear regression models are used to test the direct effect of risk management on financial performance and the indirect effect through sustainable reporting. The results show that companies that implement good risk management tend to have better sustainable reporting, improving their financial performance. This study makes an important contribution to the literature on financial sustainability and management practices in the mining sector. It indicates that mining companies should strengthen their risk management practices and enhance transparency in sustainable reporting to achieve long-term sustainability.

Keywords: Risk Management, Sustainable Reporting, Financial Performance, Mining Sector, Indonesia.

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155 Social Science ABS-270

Dyah Sugandini, Mohammad Irhas Effendi, Fadlida Moch Razali, Winda Feriyana, Muktiarya Yodhatama, Aina Nur Salsabilla

Universitas Pembangunan Nasional ^Veteran^ Yogyakarta


This study aims to test the environmentally responsible behavior model influenced by smart tourism and tourist experience. The dimensions of tourist experience adopted in this study are learning experience and ease of use experience. The theory underlying this study is the theory of planned behavior and the technology acceptance model. This study takes natural tourism objects in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. This research uses data collected from 100 tourists at natural tourism destinations in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Data were collected using a five-point Likert scale. The sampling technique was purposive, with the criteria of tourists who had visited natural tourism in Yogyakarta. Tourists who were respondents to this study came from Indonesia. The data analysis used structural equation modeling using PLS. The results showed that the environmentally responsible behavior model was acceptable, and smart tourism affected the learning experience and ease of use experience.

Keywords: environmentally responsible behavior, smart tourism, tourist experience, nature-tourism.

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156 Social Science ABS-271

The Role of Mainstream Media in Politicization Identity Politic on Social Media
Didik Hariyanto, Ferry Adhi Dharma, Isnaini Rodiyah, Fara Putri Amalia, Nila Dwi Noor Rositah

Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo University


This study aimed to find out and to analyze the role of mainstream media to keep the counteraction of information regarding to politicization of politic identity in Indonesia. The method that used is qualitative which gathering data through the Focus Discussion Group (FGD). The parties of FGD involved the journalist both in printing, television, online, General Election Commission (KPU), Election Supervisory Commission (Bawaslu), Political expert and scholars. The result of this study shown that mass media become mainstream media has purposed to refine and straighten information had made by netizens and buzzer, they applied the principle and ethics of journalistic by verification, checking and rechecking informant to find balancing information. Furthermore, they asked informant or competent and credible expert. The hindrance experienced by the mass media is publication speed compared to social media. Then the decline popularity in society requires mass media carrying out media convergence.

Keywords: Mainstream Media- Social Media- Politicized Identity- Journalistic Ethics

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157 Social Science ABS-16

Internal Factors Driving Agricultural Land Conversion in Sleman Regency
Ardela Nurmastiti (a*), Rima Margareta Retnyo Gumelar (b), Diah Ayu Widiastuti (a), Nisa Lidya Aprilia (a), Rafina Ayu Amanda Putri (a)

a) Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
b) Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta


Food land has a very important meaning in efforts to maintain food security. However, as time goes by, population growth and economic demands, the existence of food plots begins to be disrupted. One of the serious problems currently related to food land is the increasingly widespread conversion of food land to other uses. This research aims to determine the internal factors of farmers that influence agricultural land conversion in Sleman Regency. Internal factors in this research include production costs, farmer capabilities, and farmer economic conditions. Data collection techniques use questionnaires, documentation and interviews. The sampling method used a purposive sampling method with a total of 30 respondents. The data analysis method uses multiple linear regression analysis. The research results show that production costs (0.02 > 0.05) and farmers^ economic conditions (0.01 < 0.05) have a significant effect on agricultural land conversion. Farmer ability (0.17 > 0.05) does not have a significant effect on agricultural land conversion. This means that the size of production costs and the economic conditions of farmers influence the conversion of agricultural land. On the other hand, the size of the farmer^s capacity does not influence the occurrence of agricultural land conversion.

Keywords: farmer- internal factors- land conversion

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158 Social Science ABS-17

Exploring Religious Boycott Trends: A Scopus-Based Bibliometric Analysis
Muhamad Ridwan (a*), Deby Amirunnisa (a), Nina Fapari Arif (a), Asri Sekar Mawar Firdausi (a), Yuliawati (b)

a) Department of Management, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
b) Department of Economic, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta


Religious boycotts, driven by deeply held convictions and spanning multiple disciplines, have significant socio-economic impacts, necessitating a comprehensive bibliometric analysis to identify key research trends, influential works, and central themes. This study systematically maps the scholarly literature on religious boycotts to inform and guide future research. The bibliometric analysis was conducted on articles indexed in the Scopus database from 1961 to 2024, focusing on titles, abstracts, and keywords related to religious boycotts. Data analysis, performed on July 2, 2024, was further processed using VOSviewer for a comprehensive evaluation. Findings indicate that research on religious boycotts is relatively limited and predominantly concentrated in non-Muslim majority countries, such as the United States and the United Kingdom. To achieve a more comprehensive and balanced understanding, future research should focus on expanding the study of religious boycotts to include Muslim-majority countries, where the dynamics and implications may differ significantly.

Keywords: Religious boycott, Bibliometric analysis, VOSviewer

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159 Social Science ABS-23

Evaluation of Aglaonema Cultivation Extension Program by the Agriculture, Food and Fisheries Department to Accelerate Community Businesses in Sleman Regency
P.M. Penggalih, A. N. Huda, M. Rafly, I.S. Hapsari, D.N. Susilo

Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta


One of the plants that has high and stable economic value is Aglaonema. The Sleman Department of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries has prepared an extension for Aglaonema Plant Cultivation for the community in Godean District, Sleman Regency. This extension aims to encourage people to do Aglaonema business to increase income. This research aims to evaluate the implementation of extension towards accelerating community business. The method used is the Context Input Process Product (CIPP) evaluation model. The sample is carried out purposively in Godean District, Sleman Regency in June 2024. The data consists of primary and secondary data. The data collection was carried out by interviews. The results show that the extension evaluation has a score of 107.20 in the successful category. This shows that the Extension for Aglaonema Plant Cultivation has succeeded in increasing the acceleration of community business, especially increasing community knowledge and motivation to do business of Aglaonema.

Keywords: aglaonema, evaluation, extension

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160 Social Science ABS-27

Study of The Role Of Women in Fish Processing to Improve Business Sustainability on Depok Beach, Bantul Regency
Zulfa Nur Auliatun Nissa^(a), Ayu Kumala Sari(a*), Miftahul Ajri (b), Varka Mada Zahra(a), Nevia Nurmalasari(a), Indah Restutami Herjiwandini(a)

a) Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta. Jl. SWK No. 104, Ngropoh, Condongcatur, Kec. Depok, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region 55283, Indonesia
b) AgrotechnologyAgribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta. Jl. SWK No. 104, Ngropoh, Condongcatur, Kec. Depok, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region 55283, Indonesia


This study aims at how women^s involvement in fish processing activities at Depok Beach, Bantul Regency, shapes the long-term viability of businesses in the local fishing sector. Being the main workers in fish preparation, women are very important to the economic survival and growth of small-scale fishing businesses. This research is descriptive. Data were collected from 72 women involved in fish processing at Depok Beach from May to June 2024, revealing their significant role in the local economy. Data collection was carried out using observation, interview, and documentation techniques. Women^s fish processing participation promotes business sustainability through numerous processes. First, their participation maintains traditional processing methods that maintain fish quality and fulfill market criteria. Second, women^s resource and waste management skills make greener practices. They also improve community participation and resilience by participating in decision-making, making the local economy more resilient. Women suffer financial and technological barriers that hinder their potential to innovate and expand, according to the study. To maximize women^s potential in sustainable business practices, appropriate legislation and support are needed. The research concludes that women are crucial to the seafood processing sector at Depok Beach and offers policymakers and stakeholders actionable insights to promote sustainable coastal development. To preserve Bantul Regency^s fish processing business, the report recommends investing in women^s empowerment and capacity-building

Keywords: Coastal Women, Economic Impact, Sustainability.

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161 Social Science ABS-33

Assessing the relationship between farmers^ willingness to pay and their perceptions of agricultural insurance: Insights from Kulon Progo, Indonesia
Fadilla Ristya Aminda1, Dhika Cahyasita1*, Mawar Kusumawardani2, Septiara Dewi Hapsari1, Arya Dwi Janarko1, Mei Wijayanti1, Firman Eka Yuantoro1

1Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
2Soil Science Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta


Designing efficient insurance products and policies requires an understanding of farmers^ perceptions of insurance given the growing risks associated with rice production, such as pests, illnesses, and climate variability. The Ministry of Agriculture on behalf of the government launched the Rice Farming Insurance program to provide at-risk farmers with protection against damages resulting from climatic unpredictability. With the government subsidies covering 80% of the premium value, the program hasn^t been performing at its best, though. The purpose of this study is to ascertain how much farmers are willing to pay for the insurance plan. Furthermore, this study aims to investigate the relationship between farmers^ willingness to pay and their perceptions of agricultural insurancee. A structured survey was conducted among 49 rice farmers in Kulon Progo, Indonesia. Willingness to pay estimation was carried out using the contingency valuation approach (CVM) method through bidding techniques. The association between their impressions of agricultural insurance and their willingness to pay was investigated using statistical analysis, which included correlation tests. The findings demonstrated a positive correlation between the respondents^ willingness to pay for rice farming insurance and their opinions on agricultural insurance. More specifically, farmers are more likely to be willing to pay for agricultural insurance if they believe it to be reliable and effective. This underscores the importance of addressing climate-related risks through insurance mechanisms and suggests policy implications to support farmers in managing climate uncertainty. Most farmers are only willing to pay premiums equal to IDR 36,000 per hectare per planting season. Thus, government subsidies for rice farming insurance premiums are still needed.

Keywords: Willingness to pay- agricultural insurance- climate variability- farmers- risk and uncertainty

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162 Social Science ABS-34

The Role of the Agricultural Sector in Increasing Regional Independence to Measure the Efficiency of Local Government Spending in Indonesia
Handani Maheresmi, Alfistia Maradidya, Herdiana Anggrasari

Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta


The purpose of this research is to analyze the role of the agricultural sector in enhancing regional independence through local revenue. Higher local revenue will impact regional independence. The government is given the right and responsibility to manage their respective regions as a form of autonomy implementation, but resources have not been optimally utilized to enhance regional independence. The agricultural sector becomes the main focus in measuring regional financial performance because food needs are the most crucial necessity.
The initial step of this research is to collect data related to the research variables, namely the financial reports of Provincial Governments in Indonesia, regional gross domestic product data, and then conduct tests using SPSS to see the role of the agricultural sector in enhancing regional independence, which impacts the financial performance of local governments.
The research results show that the efficiency of spending on the agricultural sector varies across regions depending on production output. This variation is due to several factors, such as increased agricultural output and reduced production costs.
This research can contribute as a consideration for leveraging the agricultural sector as a larger and higher-quality industry, assessing a region^s capability to meet its own needs using the resources it possesses, having high competitiveness, and positively impacting the well-being of society.

Keywords: agricultural productivity- regional independence- regional financial performance- regional autonomy

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163 Social Science ABS-35

Tourist Perceptions Of Environmental Quality And Tourism In Bendhung Lepen, Giwangan, Yogyakarta
Dinda Dewi Aisyah (a), Fadilla Ristya Aminda(a*) Ahmad Rif^an Khoirul Lisan(b), Niken Septiana Khuzaimah(a), Dinda Okta Milandini(a), Akbar Aldiyano(a), Dwi Kartika(a)

(a) Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta. Jl. SWK No. 104, Ngropoh, Condongcatur, Kec. Depok, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region 55283.
(b) Soil Science Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta. Jl. SWK No. 104, Ngropoh, Condongcatur, Kec. Depok, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region 55283.


Tourist destinations in Yogyakarta are developing both in the city and the countryside with their originality and cultural distinctiveness. Bendung Lepen, one of the tourist destinations initiated by local communities in the city of Yogyakarta, offers beauty in the form of views of the banks of the Gajah Wong River and irrigation canals filled with tilapia and goldfish. Apart from ecotourism, Bendung Lepen has other environmental services such as irrigation facilities, water flow utilization for fish cultivation, and improvement of environmental quality. Environmental quality influences tourists^ intentions to return to the exact location. On the other hand, tourist behavior is essential to ensure its connection with the damage to natural tourism due to tourist behavior. As a pioneering tourist destination, one way to develop tourism is to look at tourists^ perceptions of the quality of the environment and Bendung Lepen tourism. This research aims to look at tourists^ perceptions of the environmental quality and tourism of Bendung Lepen. Data was collected using a purposive sampling method for 60 tourists using a questionnaire instrument. Perception data was analyzed using descriptive analysis methods. Indicators of environmental quality can be seen from the condition of rubbish piles, availability of rubbish bins, ease of disposing of rubbish, clarity of fish pond water, condition of rubbish in irrigation channels, air condition, and natural beauty. According to tourists^ perceptions, the environmental quality in Bendung Lepen is included in the good category. From a tourism perspective, tourists perceive that Bendung Lepen is in the safe category- the cleanliness of the location is good, recreational facilities and information facilities are adequate, accessibility is effortless, and the service is good.

Keywords: ecotourism- environmental quality- sustainability- tourist perceptions

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164 Social Science ABS-37

The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility and Ownership Structure on Firm Value with Financial Performance as an Intervening Variable
Didik Indarwanta1*, Asih Marini Wulandari2, Agung Prabowo3, Muhammad Irfan Muafi4, Satrio Tegar Gunung Koraag5

UPN Veteran Yogyakarta


This study aims to determine the influence of Corporate Social Responsibility and Ownership Structure on Firm Value, mediated by Financial Performance. The sample used in this study is manufacturing companies that are publicly listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period of 2018 - 2022. The type of research used is explanatory research. Data analysis using financial ratio analysis, descriptive analysis, and inferential analysis. The inferential statistical analysis used is Warp Partial Least Square. (WarpPLS).
The research results indicate that Corporate Social Responsibility has a significant impact on Firm Value but does not have a significant effect on Financial Performance. These findings empirically support the legitimacy theory and signaling theory regarding the importance of disclosing Corporate Social Responsibility. The more companies engage in CSR, the higher their image or value will be in the long term. The ownership structure has a significant impact on financial performance and firm value. Financial performance significantly influences firm value. These findings empirically prove that ownership structure is one of the tools for controlling and overseeing managers.

Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Ownership Structure, Firm Value, Financial Performance

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165 Social Science ABS-39

Measuring the Economic, Environmental, and Village Pillars of the Sustainable Development Goals on the Use of Village Funds
Zuhrohtun, Indro Herry Mulyanto, Afni Sirait, Heri Susanto

Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta


Village SDGs are one of the tools that can be used to assess the targeted use of village funds. This study aims to implement performance measurement of the use of village funds using the economic, environmental, and village pillars. This research uses mixed research methods by distributing questionnaires and validating the results of questionnaire data processing with FGDs to village governments. Processing of questionnaire data will use Path Analysis with WarpPLS software. The research will be conducted in Sambirejo Village, Prambanan District, Sleman Regency. Respondents in this study are the village government and the community of Prambanan Sub-district, Sleman Regency. The research will be conducted for 6 months from April 2024 to September 2024.

Keywords: Performance Assessment, Village Fund, Village SDGs

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166 Social Science ABS-40

How digital and financial literacy strengthens financial inclusion in Indonesia?
Rini Dwi Astuti, Purwiyanta, Sri Isworo Ediningsih, Tugiyo

Faculty of Economics and Business UPN Veteran Yogyakarta


Information technology has brought many advances to human life. Along with the development of digital technology-based financial services in Indonesia, digital literacy and interaction will be the key to connecting people with new technologies in financial services. This paper discusses the important role of digital and financial literacy in improving financial inclusion in Indonesia. This study aims to provide insights into how literacy and technological advancements can bridge the gap for the unbanked population. The study findings suggest that increasing the level of financial literacy can substantially increase financial inclusion, leading to broader economic development

Keywords: Financial Inclusion, Digital Literacy, Financial Literacy, Economic Development

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167 Social Science ABS-42

The Role of Non-State Actors in Enhancing Commercial Diplomacy for the Indonesian Footwear Industry
Dyah Lupita Sari, Sri Issundari, Iva Rachmawati, Meike Lusye Karolus, Clarisa Shinta, Rizky Yunita

UPN ^Veteran^ Yogyakarta


Commercial diplomacy is essential in international relations, driving global trade, investments, and business development. Traditionally dominated by states, the post-Cold War era has highlighted the growing significance of non-state actors-such as multinational corporations, NGOs, and individuals-in shaping global economic dynamics. This paper examines the importance of commercial diplomacy in Indonesia^s footwear industry, where exports reached US-7.42 billion in 2022 but saw a slight decline in 2023. Non-state actors are crucial in supporting Indonesia^s commercial diplomacy, yet their contributions are often underrecognized and underutilized by the government. Challenges like lack of coordination, differing interests, and regulatory uncertainties hinder the full potential of Indonesia^s commercial diplomacy. This research explores the contributions, opportunities, and challenges faced by non-state actors in Indonesia^s footwear industry. By understanding their roles, the study aims to develop strategies and policies to enhance public-private cooperation, advance the industry globally, and provide recommendations for the government to better utilize non-state actors in commercial diplomacy.

Keywords: Commercial diplomacy, non-state actors, Indonesia, footwear industry

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168 Social Science ABS-43

Sri Rahayu Budi Hastuti, Akhmad Syariudin, Tugiyo, Talitha Dhea Ramadhany

Faculty of Economics and Business UPN Veteran Yogyakarta


Development and the environment are two parts that support each other and cannot be separated, because there will be no development in human life if there is no environment that supports the realization of the development. Sustainable development is seen as an alternative development that tries to bridge the developmentalist or environmentalist paradigm. This study aims to analyze the relationship between income inequality, inclusive economic development, and environmental quality. Based on the results of the panel data regression analysis of 34 provinces in Indonesia, it shows that income inequality and inclusive economic development negatively influence each other. Inclusive economic development reduces income inequality, conversely, lower income inequality encourages more inclusive economic development.

Keywords: Income Inequality, Environment, Inclusive Development, Sustainable Development

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169 Social Science ABS-44

Enhancing financial inclusion and capital markets: stock and mutual fund studies
C. Ambar Pujiharjanto, Rini Dwi Astuti, Purwiyanta, Muhammad Fathur Rachman Rizky

Faculty of Economics and Business UPN Veteran Yogyakarta


The relationship between financial inclusion and capital markets, especially stocks and mutual funds, is always an interesting topic to explore empirically in the Indonesian context. Therefore, this exploratory study aims to uncover the problem. In addition, macroeconomic stability plays an important role in influencing financial risk, where risk is one of the main factors influencing investment decisions as suggested by traditional financial theory, so it is interesting to investigate the effect of this variable on stock and mutual fund investment. This study conducted a time series analysis through a regression model to link financial inclusion, stock and mutual fund investment, and macroeconomic variables. The results showed that capital market performance fluctuated following the economic business cycle and investor confidence. Macroeconomic stability determines capital market performance in Indonesia. Increased transactions in the stock and mutual fund markets encourage increased financial inclusion through increased public savings.

Keywords: Capital market, financial inclusion, stocks, mutual funds

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170 Social Science ABS-45

M.Th. Kristiati, Suranto, Ristiyan Ragil Putradianto, Nahsya Aprilia Tuhulele

Department of Petroleum Engineering, Faculty of Mineral Technology, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, Jl. Ringroad Utara, Condongcatur, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 55283


The process of establishing the publication of Petroleum and Geothermal Technology (JPGT) as a respected publication requires a comprehensive approach that includes preparation, selecting a platform, standardizing procedures, indexing, and review. This paper outlines the measures implemented to improve the exposure and legitimacy of JPGT throughout the academic community. This study offers a detailed plan for other developing journals seeking to get comparable reputation by utilizing data, statistics, and pertinent case studies.

Keywords: Publication, comprehensive approach,

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171 Social Science ABS-48

Mapping Actors and Policies in the Digital Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: Insights from Indonesia^s Higher Education
Ahmad Zaki, Satrio Tegar Gunung Koraag, Mawar Kusumawardani, Shakira Ratu Chantika

Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta


This research explores the implementation of digital entrepreneurial ecosystems within higher education institutions in Indonesia, focusing on identifying key policies, actors, and influencing factors. Through a qualitative analysis, we examine secondary data from literature reviews and official documentation to assess the contributions of government policies, financial institutions, and universities to the development of digital entrepreneurship. The findings reveal that policies such as entrepreneurship training, mentoring, and innovation competitions significantly foster entrepreneurial skills among students. Key actors in this ecosystem include the government, financial institutions, and academic institutions, each contributing to the ecosystem^s infrastructure, financial support, human capital, and market access. The study highlights the interconnectedness of these elements in shaping a thriving digital entrepreneurial ecosystem, emphasizing the importance of cross-sectoral collaboration to enhance entrepreneurial outcomes. This research provides a comprehensive understanding of the digital entrepreneurial landscape in Indonesian universities and suggests policy improvements to strengthen the ecosystem^s growth and sustainability.

Keywords: entrepreneurial digital ecosystem, higher education, entrepreneurial policies, entrepreneurial actors, entrepreneurial factors

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172 Social Science ABS-49

Entrepreneurial Marketing and Entrepreneurial Financing Practices: Case Studies of Student Startups in Indonesia
Ahmad Zaki, Muhammad Irfan Muafi, Kharisma Idea, Shakira Ratu Chantika

Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta


This study explores the entrepreneurial marketing and entrepreneurial financing practices of student-led startups in Indonesia, focusing on the critical challenges these businesses face and the strategies they employ to achieve success. The high failure rates of startups necessitate the development of an entrepreneurial mindset that emphasizes innovation, adaptability, and financial discipline. This paper identifies key marketing strategies, including product innovation, customer-centric approaches, and informal market observations, which are crucial for maintaining a competitive edge. Additionally, the study examines entrepreneurial financing, highlighting the reliance on self-funding, investments in product development, and the adoption of digital financial management tools to streamline financial operations. The findings suggest that a synergistic combination of innovative marketing techniques and disciplined financial management is essential for the sustainability and growth of student startups in an increasingly competitive environment.

Keywords: Entrepreneurial Marketing, Entrepreneurial Financing, Startup, Students

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173 Social Science ABS-50

Online Shopping & Eco-Friendly Packaging: Realizing Sustainable Consumption Behavior in the Digital Era
Muhammad Irfan Muafi (1*), Nurul Retno Hapsari (2), Mukti Ahmad Nurcahya (3), Tazkia Amalia (4)

(1,2,4) Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta
(3) Agribisnis, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta
*Email: muhammad.irfan[at]upnyk.ac.id


In the last few decades there has been an increase. awareness of. Environmental issues have driven a significant shift in peoples consumption behavior. One aspect of main concern is. plastic pollution, which has been proven to damage ecosystems and threaten the welfare of life on earth. In response to this, crisis, emergence. Environmentally friendly packaging is one of the innovative solutions to reduce the negative impacts of the use of conventional plastic. This research explores the relationship between awareness, the environment and consumers desires in Indonesia for. buy products that use environmentally friendly packaging using the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) as a basis. Through a quantitative approach, this study involved 200 respondents who had shopped online, with data analysis using regression statistical techniques using applications, smart-PLS.

Keywords: E-commerce, Eco-friendly packaging, Theory Planned Behavior, Sustainable Consumption Behavior

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174 Social Science ABS-51

Agung Prabowo, Retno Hendariningrum, Medi Trilaksono, Yenni Sri Utami, Yudhy Widya Kusumo

Communication Department of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta
Jalan Babarsari 2 TAmbakbayan Yogyakarta


This study aims to determine the utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) in supporting the ability and productivity of UPN ^Veteran^ Yogyakarta lecturers to write scientific papers in reputable journals. It uses the descriptive qualitative research method. Data collection techniques through interviews and literature studies. Initial analysis was conducted to identify the level of AI utilization literacy, challenges, and benefits perceived by lecturers in writing scientific papers. The results showed that AI utilization literacy is still a barrier for some lecturers, although awareness of its potential has increased. Challenges include lack of training, limited access to technology, and uncertainty about the ethics of using AI in scientific writing. However, lecturers with good AI literacy tend to experience increased productivity and quality in writing scientific papers. This finding implies the need to develop training programs and technical support for lecturers to improve their literacy in utilizing AI in writing scientific papers. It also highlights the importance of ethical thinking in the use of AI technology in scientific research and publication.

Keywords: literacy, artificial intelegence, lecturer, academic writing

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175 Social Science ABS-54

C Ambar Pujiharjanto,Hasa Nurrohim KP,,Shinta Heru Satoto,Rendy Parada Arrazy Casillas

Universitas Pembangunan Nasional ^Veteran^ Yogyakarta


This research aims to dig deeper into the level of financial literacy among Generation Z regarding their interest in saving in shares. This is based on the reason that Generation Z is a generation that has quite potential in investment activities in the capital market. The population in this study are people belonging to Generation Z who live in Yogyakarta. Decisions made to invest at an early stage in their financial life, including in the form of saving in shares, can have a long-term impact on their lives. Financial literacy is one of the keys to understanding the risks and opportunities that arise from saving in shares. Through a qualitative descriptive approach, this research focuses on the important role of financial literacy and financial ability in saving shares among Generation Z.

Keywords: Financial Capability, Financial Literacy, Generation Z, Investment

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176 Social Science ABS-56

Alvian Alvin Mubarok 1, Heri Susanto2, Hadi Oetomo3, Muktiarya Yodhatama4

Universitas Pembangunan Nasional ^Veteran^ Yogyakarta alvian.alvinmubarok[at]upnyk.ac.id 1,
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional ^Veteran^ Yogyakarta, heri.susanto[at]upnyk.ac.id 2,
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional ^Veteran^ Yogyakarta, hadi.utomo[at]upnyk.ac.id 3
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional ^Veteran^ Yogyakarta, 141230524[at]student.upnyk.ac.id 4


Abstract: This study explores the relationship between intellectual capital (IC) and operational efficiency in Batik SMEs in Yogyakarta. Utilizing efficiency analysis and the modified Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAICTM) for 2024, the research identifies a strong positive correlation between IC and efficiency. All IC components-human, relational, process, and employed capital-play a significant role in improving operational performance. Although innovation capital is not present, the study highlights IC^s potential as a strategic asset. These insights are valuable for Batik SME owners, investors, and policymakers, guiding them to optimize IC, encourage innovation, and enhance the sector^s competitiveness.

Keywords: M-VAIC, Yogyakarta, SMEs, Value Creation, Efficiency

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177 Social Science ABS-57

Test Resilience Business : Transformation of MSME Business Models through Home Business Camp (HBC) in the Post- COVID-19 Pandemic Period
Budi Purnomo Saputro, Tititk Kusmantini , Yekti Utami, Hafidh Rifky Adiyatna, Faizatu Almas Hadyantari

Management Study Program , UPN Veteran Yogyakarta


The COVID-19 pandemic has give significant impact for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia. Various challenge appeared, started from decline sales, disruption chain supply, up to difficulty in maintain continuity business. In facing the situation MSMEs need this do business model transformation For increase endurance and power competitive they are in the post period pandemic. One of initiative that can done is through organizing Home Business Camp (HBC). HBC is an MSME coaching and development program that focuses on business model transformation based House ladder. Through HBC, MSMEs can develop strategy and innovation For face challenge pandemic, as well utilise opportunities emerging in the post COVID -19 era. Study This aim For test effectiveness of HBC in increase resilience MSME business in Indonesia. With use approach qualitative and quantitative, studies This will analyze impact of HBC on transformation of MSME business models, as well identify influencing factors the success of the program. Research result expected can give outlook valuable for government, institutions related, and stakeholders interest other in designing and implementing an effective MSME empowerment program in the post period pandemic. Additionally, findings research can also be done become reference for MSMEs in develop resilient and adaptive business strategies to change environment.

Keywords: MSMEs, Resilience Business, Business Model Transformation, Home Business Camp, Post COVID-19 Pandemic.

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178 Social Science ABS-58

Implementation of Lumbung Mataraman to Support Family Food Resilience in Kulon Progo RegencyJust Try to Submit This Sample Abstract
Sri Kuning Retno Dewandini (a*), Yoga Religia (b), Muhammad Fauzan Farid Al Hamdi (c), Sandra Devita Sari (d)

a) Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
Jalan Padjajaran No.104, Ngropoh, Condongcatur, Depok, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
c) Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
d) Student of Agriculture Faculty Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta


Lumbung Mataraman is a program from Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta government to optimize the use of yard land to provide food needs. The target of this program is women farmer groups. Lumbung Mataraman activities are carried out with the concept of community empowerment which teaches women farmers to cultivate various horticultural crops and livestock. The aim of this research is to examine the implementation of the Lumbung Mataraman in supporting family food resilience in Kulon Progo Regency. The research method in this research is qualitative. The research results show that the implementation of Lumbung Mataraman is based on aspects of activity content including influencing interests, type of benefits, degree of change desired, location of decision making, program implementers, and resources involved. Meanwhile, implementation based on context consists of power and interests, characteristics of ruling institutions, level of compliance and responsiveness. The implementation of Lumbung Mataraman based on both aspects, both the content of activities and the context of implementation, shows that the Lumbung Mataraman program can be implemented easily. Lumbung Mataraman has been proven to support family food resilience because they have been able to utilize their respective yards for cultivation so that they can fulfill the family^s food consumption needs.

Keywords: Lumbung Mataraman- Food Resilience- Women Farmers

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179 Social Science ABS-59

Assessing the optimization strategy of BUMKal Efforts for Village Self-Reliance in Yogyakarta
sariudin@upnyk.ac.id1, sutoyo@upnyk.ac.id2, faizatu.almashadyantari@upnyk.ac.id3, yuliawati.yuliawati@upnyk.ac.id4, 143210090@student.upnyk.ac.id5, 143210073@student.upnyk.ac.id6.

Faculty of Economics and Business, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta 55283, Indonesia.


Law No. 6/2014 on Villages stipulates that village authority includes the administration of village government, implementation of village development, guidance of village communities, and empowerment of village communities based on community initiatives, rights of origin, and village customs. Currently, villages are expected to be more innovative and creative in utilizing their local potential, one of which is through the establishment of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) or in Yogyakarta known as Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMKal) which are expected to support village self-reliance. This research aims to identify the characteristics of BUMKal and its management optimization strategy by taking a case study in Sleman Regency as an effort to optimize village potential towards self-reliance. The research approach is qualitative with explorative-descriptive analysis techniques. This research examines BUMKal in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta D.I. considering that there are still 14 sub-districts that have not established and operated BUMKal optimally. The existence of 5 BUMKal that are included in the Advanced BUMKal Ranking category, it is important to strategize, build an integrated information system based on BUMKal development, and strengthen cooperation between BUMKal through the creation of working relationships and networks, in order to support the development of village self-reliance.

Keywords: Optimization, BUMDes, BUMKal, Village Self-Reliance, exploratory research.

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180 Social Science ABS-60

Social Media Use and 2024 Indonesian General Election
Prayudi- M. Edy Susilo- Ninik Probosari

UPN Veteran Yogyakarta


The use of social media within the context of general elections has been an exciting issue. This research seeks to examine social media^s influence on Indonesia^s political communication environment during the 2024 General Election. The research utilizes a mixed-method approach, which combines quantitative analysis of social media use trends with qualitative interviews to comprehend these platforms^ influence on public opinion and political debate. The key results suggest that social media has substantially impacted voter behavior, with platforms such as Facebook and Twitter playing a crucial role as essential instruments for political campaigns. This study enhances the area of communication science by offering valuable insights into the changing dynamics of digital political communication in developing democracies. It emphasizes the significance of social media as a potent tool in the election process. policymakers, academics, and digital rights advocates.

Keywords: Social media, general election, political campaign, presidential candidate, political parties

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