SAVING IN STOCK IN GENERATION Z C Ambar Pujiharjanto,Hasa Nurrohim KP,,Shinta Heru Satoto,Rendy Parada Arrazy Casillas
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional ^Veteran^ Yogyakarta
This research aims to dig deeper into the level of financial literacy among Generation Z regarding their interest in saving in shares. This is based on the reason that Generation Z is a generation that has quite potential in investment activities in the capital market. The population in this study are people belonging to Generation Z who live in Yogyakarta. Decisions made to invest at an early stage in their financial life, including in the form of saving in shares, can have a long-term impact on their lives. Financial literacy is one of the keys to understanding the risks and opportunities that arise from saving in shares. Through a qualitative descriptive approach, this research focuses on the important role of financial literacy and financial ability in saving shares among Generation Z.