Test Resilience Business : Transformation of MSME Business Models through Home Business Camp (HBC) in the Post- COVID-19 Pandemic Period
Budi Purnomo Saputro, Tititk Kusmantini , Yekti Utami, Hafidh Rifky Adiyatna, Faizatu Almas Hadyantari

Management Study Program , UPN Veteran Yogyakarta


The COVID-19 pandemic has give significant impact for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia. Various challenge appeared, started from decline sales, disruption chain supply, up to difficulty in maintain continuity business. In facing the situation MSMEs need this do business model transformation For increase endurance and power competitive they are in the post period pandemic. One of initiative that can done is through organizing Home Business Camp (HBC). HBC is an MSME coaching and development program that focuses on business model transformation based House ladder. Through HBC, MSMEs can develop strategy and innovation For face challenge pandemic, as well utilise opportunities emerging in the post COVID -19 era. Study This aim For test effectiveness of HBC in increase resilience MSME business in Indonesia. With use approach qualitative and quantitative, studies This will analyze impact of HBC on transformation of MSME business models, as well identify influencing factors the success of the program. Research result expected can give outlook valuable for government, institutions related, and stakeholders interest other in designing and implementing an effective MSME empowerment program in the post period pandemic. Additionally, findings research can also be done become reference for MSMEs in develop resilient and adaptive business strategies to change environment.

Keywords: MSMEs, Resilience Business, Business Model Transformation, Home Business Camp, Post COVID-19 Pandemic.

Topic: Social Science

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