Enhancing financial inclusion and capital markets: stock and mutual fund studies
C. Ambar Pujiharjanto, Rini Dwi Astuti, Purwiyanta, Muhammad Fathur Rachman Rizky

Faculty of Economics and Business UPN Veteran Yogyakarta


The relationship between financial inclusion and capital markets, especially stocks and mutual funds, is always an interesting topic to explore empirically in the Indonesian context. Therefore, this exploratory study aims to uncover the problem. In addition, macroeconomic stability plays an important role in influencing financial risk, where risk is one of the main factors influencing investment decisions as suggested by traditional financial theory, so it is interesting to investigate the effect of this variable on stock and mutual fund investment. This study conducted a time series analysis through a regression model to link financial inclusion, stock and mutual fund investment, and macroeconomic variables. The results showed that capital market performance fluctuated following the economic business cycle and investor confidence. Macroeconomic stability determines capital market performance in Indonesia. Increased transactions in the stock and mutual fund markets encourage increased financial inclusion through increased public savings.

Keywords: Capital market, financial inclusion, stocks, mutual funds

Topic: Social Science

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