The Role of Mainstream Media in Politicization Identity Politic on Social Media Didik Hariyanto, Ferry Adhi Dharma, Isnaini Rodiyah, Fara Putri Amalia, Nila Dwi Noor Rositah
Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo University
This study aimed to find out and to analyze the role of mainstream media to keep the counteraction of information regarding to politicization of politic identity in Indonesia. The method that used is qualitative which gathering data through the Focus Discussion Group (FGD). The parties of FGD involved the journalist both in printing, television, online, General Election Commission (KPU), Election Supervisory Commission (Bawaslu), Political expert and scholars. The result of this study shown that mass media become mainstream media has purposed to refine and straighten information had made by netizens and buzzer, they applied the principle and ethics of journalistic by verification, checking and rechecking informant to find balancing information. Furthermore, they asked informant or competent and credible expert. The hindrance experienced by the mass media is publication speed compared to social media. Then the decline popularity in society requires mass media carrying out media convergence.
Keywords: Mainstream Media- Social Media- Politicized Identity- Journalistic Ethics