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61 Engineering ABS-30

The Effect of Fly Ash Activation as An Adsorbent For Reducing The Free Fatty Acid Content in Waste Cooking Oil
Heni Anggorowati, Perwitasari, Muhammad Syukron, Ferdi Surya Maulana, Maya Maudina Nurpradini

Universitas Pembangunan Nasional ^Veteran^ Yogyakarta


Waste Cooking Oil (WCO) is an oil waste that, if improperly disposed of and not well processed, can lead to environmental pollution, especially in soil and water. WCO contain of free fatty acids (FFA) that needs to be processed before being used as raw material for biodiesel production. Previous studies have shown that FFA in WCO can be reduced through adsorption. This study focused in the effect of fly ash activation as an adsorbent for reducing the FFA content in WCO. The activated fly ash was analyzed to determine the capacity of adsorption and to identify the chemical compounds. As an initial study, varying concentrations of NaOH (1 N, 2 N, and 3 N) were used for fly ash activation. The activated fly ash were used for FFA adsorption in 30 ml of WCO for 4 hours. The highest FFA reduction percentage, 62.11%, was achieved with 3 N NaOH concentration.

Keywords: WCO, FFA, Fly Ash, Biodiesel, Adsorption

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62 Engineering ABS-41

Power Spectral Density Analysis using Low Frequency Passive Seismic for Direct Hydrocarbon Indicator in Kendal Sub-Basin Area
1Maman Rohaman, 2Alfathony Krisnabudhi, 2Hasan Tri Atmojo, 1Fauzan Abiyyu Pratama, 1Perla Hanun Aprillarosanti, 1Ayu Ismiatul Umamah

1Geophysical Engineering. Universitas Pembangunan Veteran Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
2Geological Engineering. Universitas Pembangunan Veteran Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Kendal Sub-basin is a part of the North Sarayu Basin. Some potential source rocks that produced the hydrocarbon are Paleogene and Neogene source rock. The presence of hydrocarbon can be identified from several wells in this area. The main reservoir is the Cipluk Formation, which consists of volcanic sandstone. The reservoir play types are divided into two play types: stratigraphic and structural trap. This focus area is the fault thrust area. The thrust fault trend in this area is northwest-southeast, with a dip relative to the south. Therefore, it is possible to migrate hydrocarbon from the deeper area in the south. The power spectral density (PSD) is performed to analyze this active petroleum system. This analysis utilizes waveform data from the acquisition in May 2024. This data in the time domain is transformed into the frequency domain using the Fourier transform. In the frequency domain, PSD is calculated by using a complex number of the data. The result of PSD analysis indicates the local anomaly in the frequency range of 2-3.5 Hz. This anomaly indicates that the presence of hydrocarbon affects wave propagation from the natural source to the receiver. In that frequency range, the value of PSD-IZ is 0.867.

Keywords: passive seismic, low-frequency, spectral, north serayu, waveform

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63 Engineering ABS-46

Engineering Geology Characteristics of the Batu Gilang Site Area and Surrounding Areas
Wisnu Aji Dwi Kristanto, Shofa Rijalul Haq, Monica Maharani, Yody Rizkianto, Tidar Wisnu Murthy

Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta


The Batu Gilang site is an area with historical remains of the Ancient Mataram Kingdom which is now being developed for recreational and educational activities. Located on a small hill with a height of 150 meters above sea level. Surrounded by attractive natural nuances with hills with steep slopes to the south, small hills to the west, plains with rice fields to the north and east. As civilization develops and culture changes, the use of natural land for tourist areas or other uses is increasing rapidly. Land use to support human activities often does not predict the land^s ability to be developed. Technically, each land has the ability to support activities on it. Each capability value is controlled by engineering geological characteristics which are the basis for good land development and do not cause losses in the future. However, data on the characteristics of engineering geology is not yet well presented in every region, so it is necessary to carry out research on the characteristics of engineering geology. The methods used in the research are mapping and quantitative surveys taking into account the geophysical conditions of the land. Geophysical conditions that are characteristic of engineering geology are presented as the basis for land development, including: rock units, slope slope, ground water and surface water, soil type, and the potential for geological disasters. All of these characteristics are used in drawing conclusions about the Engineering Geology Characteristics of the Batu Gilang Site and Surrounding Area.

Keywords: Engineering Geology, Characteristics, Batu Gilang

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64 Engineering ABS-53

Identifying Changes in Land Cover in Klaten Regency in 2019 and 2023 Due to the Construction of the Yogyakarta - Solo Toll Road Using the Random Forest Algorithm on Google Earth Engine (GEE)
Dessy Apriyanti, Muammar Gomareuzzaman, Nova Wahyu Pratiwi, Rial Dwi Martasari, Ilfa Layali

UPN Veteran Yogyakarta


The Jogja-Solo toll road construction project is one of products national strategic project. Governors Decree No.590/34/Year 2024 concerning Extension of Determination of Land Acquisition Locations for Construction of Solo - Yogyakarta Toll Road in Klaten Regency. Research was conducted on land cover changes using the Random Forest Algorithm on GEE platform. Land cover change analysis was carried out using satellite image data. In addition to land cover analysis from the results of the Random Forest algorithm, accuracy tests were carried out using a confusion matrix. The results of Random Forest model that has been run show of land changes for each land cover class, with the class that changed most in buildings increasing by 4,972 ha and the most decreasing in water body class 0,341 ha. Random Forest model classification results also show accuracy tests with Kappa Accuracy 77% in 2019, and Kappa Accuracy 84% in 2023.

Keywords: Remote Sensing, Land Changes, Google Earth Engine, Development

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65 Engineering ABS-55

COPRAS-G for Supplier Selection in PT. ASA Using Compromise Weighting of SWARA and MEREC
Agus Ristono, Tri Wahyuningsih, Gunawan Madyono Putro

Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta


The aim of this research is to select suppliers using the Complex PRoportional Assessment of Alternatives with Gray Relations (COPRAS-G). The proposed technique for selecting criteria uses Delphi by considering objective and subjective factors. These criteria are then weighted by the compromise of SWARA and MEREC and then used as the basis for selecting suppliers using COPRAS-G. The proposed model has been tested in the Indonesian leather industry for practical use. The suggested model can represent the dynamics of decision-making groups in supplier ranking. By selecting factors in this suggested model, decision-makers can choose more wisely. The accuracy of the criteria set will determine the results of supplier selection. Therefore, a sensitivity test to parameter changes is used to test the model^s validity. The proposed method generates an effective outcome because it is not sensitive to parameter changes.

Keywords: COPRAS, SWARA, MEREC, Supplier Selection, PT. ASA

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66 Engineering ABS-61

Enhancing the quality and utility of the Open Journal System (OJS) in the MTI UPN Veteran Yogyakarta industrial engineering master^s study program through fuzzy usability testing
Agus Ristono, Tri Wahyuningsih, Ahmad Muhsin, Puji Handayani Kasih

Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta


The Open Journal System (OJS) is a web-based system for managing journals published online. The need for quality improvement is evident, as is a growing interest in implementing OJS in the MTI UPN Veteran Yogyakarta study program. This research, which applies fuzzy usability, aims to identify and correct quality indicators in the OJS, thereby enhancing its quality and utility in the MTI UPN Veteran Yogyakarta study program. The components of the usability test are learnability, memorability, efficiency, error, and satisfaction. The research results show that the error indicators must be corrected

Keywords: OJS, MTI, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, Fuzzy Usability

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67 Engineering ABS-66

The Utilization of Brown Algae as an Activated Adsorbent for The Adsorption of Methylene Blue Dye
Perwitasari, Yuli Ristianingsih, Indriana Lestari, Titi Tiara Anastasia

Universitas Pembangunan Nasional ^Veteran^ Yogyakarta


Brown algae contain polysaccharides with carboxyl groups from alginate, which have adsorption capabilities for dyes and heavy metals. This research will focus on the utilization of brown algae as an activated adsorbent used for the absorption of methylene blue (MB) dye waste. The activated carbon made from brown algae was analyzed for moisture content, ash content, volatile matter, iodine adsorption, and fixed carbon. It was used to adsorb MB dye at a concentration of 50 ppm with varying weights of activated carbon (0.1, 0.2, 0.5, and 1 gram) and adsorption time (20, 40, 60, 80, 100, and 120 minutes). The best adsorbent mass was used to determine the adsorption rate at varying MB concentrations (10, 20, 30, and 40 ppm). The best adsorbent mass was found to be 1 gram at a concentration of 50 ppm, and the best adsorbent-to-concentration ratio was 10 ppm.

Keywords: Brown algae, Metilen Blue, Adsorbent, Alginate, Dyes

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68 Engineering ABS-68

Bioaccumulation of Aurum in Herbaceous Plants at Ex Illegal Gold Mining Sites, Pancurendang, Banyumas, Indonesia
Eni Muryani, Rika Ernawati, Rr. Dina Asrifah, Nasywa Syamilasari

UPN Veteran Yogyakarta


Illegal gold mining activities have caused significant environmental contamination, especially by heavy metals such as aurum (Au). Herbaceous plants were chosen as the object of study because of their ability to absorb and accumulate heavy metals from the soil. Metal uptake in plants can provide an indication of the level of pollution and phytoremediation potential. This study aimed to evaluate the bioaccumulation of Au in herbaceous plants at an ex-illegal gold mining site in Pancurendang, Banyumas, Indonesia. The research method involved collecting 6 soil samples and 19 herbaceous plant samples from several locations. Analysis of aurum was conducted using the Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectometry (ICP-MS) method. From the analysis, it was found that the concentration of aurum in the herbaceous plants was higher than the concentration of aurum in the soil. This shows the potential of using herbaceous plants as Au phytoremediation and phytomining.

Keywords: Aurum Bioaccumulation, Gold Mine, Herbaceous Plants, Phytoremediation

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69 Engineering ABS-69

Remaining Reserve Determination with Boundary-Dominated ^b^ Approach Method in Gas Well
Edgie Yuda Kaesti (a*), Ratna Widyaningsih (a), Hari Prapcoyo (b), Muhammad Zakiy Y (a), Aditya Satrio Kuncoro (a)

(a) Petroleum Engineering Department, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, Indonesia
(b) Information Engineering Department, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta


Mujjo field is a gas production field that has been producing since 2004 in the MJ layer. The MJ layer is known to have large reserves.Thus calculations are carried out to determine the remaining gas reserves in the MJ layer.
This study calculates the value of Estimated Ultimate Recovery (EUR) and Remaining Reserves (RR) using the Boundary-Dominated ^b^ Approach method. Boundary dominated ^b^ approach is a method of predicting production behavior based on the estimation of the value of ^b^ by assuming that the well drainage radius has been reached and has flowed in boundary dominated conditions. The Boundary-Dominated ^b^ Approach method is done by plotting qt Boundary-Dominated ^b^ Approach and Gp Boundary-Dominated ^b^ Approach and then matching with the actual rate and cumulative production data. To perform the matching, this research work regressed the parameters b, Di, and qi. The three parameters were initially assumed before regression. Before entering the regression stage of the three parameters, the calculation of qt and GP of the Boundary-Dominated ^b^ Approach method is carried out first because it will be matched against the actual cumulative production rate.
The results of the calculation using the Boundary-Dominated ^b^ Approach method, the value of the parameter ^b^ used is zero because the type of decline is exponential. The parameter Di is 0.69 (A.n.) or 69% per year for the production decline. The calculation result for parameter qi is 2.958 MMSCFD. The EUR value of the Boundary-Dominated ^b^ Approach method is 1971.06 MMSCF, and the remaining reserves of the Boundary-Dominated ^b^ Approach method is 27.01 MMSCF.

Keywords: reserve, gas well, remaining reserve, Boundary-Dominated ^b^

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70 Engineering ABS-71

Reconstructing 3 (Three) Dimensions of Yogyakarta Shadow Puppet Character ^Togog^ or ^Tejamantri^ Using Symbolic Analogy Method
1st Budi Suyanto, S.T., M.Eng.1, 2nd Ahmad Taufiq Akbar, S.Si., M.Cs 2, 3nd Dyah Ayu Irawati, S.T., M.Cs. 1

Information Systems, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta1,3 , informatics, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta2


Wayang kulit is a traditional Indonesian art form, especially one that developed in Java and its sustainability must be preserved. In November 2003, UNESCO recognized the Wayang kulit performance as an extraordinary cultural work in the field of storytelling. storytelling and a beautiful and valuable heritage (a masterpiece of the oral and spiritual heritage of mankind).

There are many interesting Javanese wayang characters to know, because the characters and stories of each wayang character have social values that can be lessons such as the example of the wayang kulit character ^Togog^ or ^Tejamantri^.

Applications in the 3-dimensional field include various kinds, both in the form of game software, animation, architectural design, advertising, etc.

3 (three) dimensional wayang animation will be more popular with the younger generation. In this study, a prototype of 3D wayang animation was created that is related to the 2D wayang kulit ^Yogyakarta^ using the symbolic analogy method. The results of the study are presented in the form of examples of Yogyakarta shadow puppet characters ^Togog^ or ^Tejamantri^ in 3D form. From these 3D characters, a 3D shadow puppet film or video will be designed.

Keywords: Wayang, 3-Dimensional, Symbolic Analogy, Togog

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71 Engineering ABS-72

Analysis of Thickness Decline and Residual Life Prediction of Corroded Sulfolane Pipes in Oil Refineries
Muhammad Ichsanudin, Affan Arsyada, Imam Prabowo, Intan Istiqomah

Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta


One of the supporting systems in petroleum processing activities is the sulfolan supply system. Sulfolane is a compound that plays a very important role in petroleum processing, especially in extracting aromatic compounds from crude oil. However, sulfolane is toxic and harmful to human health and corrodes structures when it reacts with oxygen. A study on the residual thickness of sulfolan pipes was conducted to determine the aggressiveness of sulfolan in corroding the pipe structure. Thickness measurements were taken using an ultrasonic thickness meter at 5 locations on the sulfolan pipe. At each point, measurements were taken four times at different angles. Based on these measurements, the minimum thickness of the sulfolan pipe is only 3.45 mm. Thickness analysis is performed using two approaches, namely fluid and structural loads. The minimum thickness required to accommodate fluid loads based on ASME standard B31.3 is 1.9 mm. While based on the structural approach based on API recommended practice 574 criteria, the minimum required thickness is 3.3 mm. Therefore, the pipe thickness is only 0.15 mm left until the material must be replaced. To obtain the residual life of the sulfolane pipe, the corrosion rate was calculated based on the minimum thickness found during the inspection. The corrosion rate was found to be 0.16 mm/year, so the life of the sulfolane pipe is only 11 months. The corrosion damage mechanisms in sulfolane pipes include uniform corrosion, corrosion under insulation, and atmospheric corrosion. Measures to replace the sulfolane pipe material must be prepared immediately so that structural failure can be prevented as early as possible to avoid disrupting the primary process in petroleum processing activities.

Keywords: corrosion, refinery, residual life, sulfolane, thickness decline

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72 Engineering ABS-80

Herianto(a), Dyah Rini Ratnaningsih (a), Alfila Maulana (c), Siti Umiyatun Ch (b), Deshinta Putri H (c)

a) Department of Petroleum Engineering, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, Indonesia
b) Department of Geological Engineering UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, Indonesia
c) Petroleum Engineer, Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR), Rumbai, Pekanbaru


The use of log correlation in development wells has often been carried out to obtain promising productive zones. In the use of infill wells in addition to considering the empty oil area that can be drained, the consideration of the well position should be in the up depth position on the log correlation is often used. The main reason for getting an oil zone at the top of the structure that has not water cut problems and will certainly get the optimum production rate. This method is quite practical, namely only using the correlation of Gamma ray log, Resistivity, Density log and Neutron log from the surrounding wells, which can obtain a good productive zone and prevent circulation loss.

Keywords: Log Correlation- Infill Drilling- production zone- optimum production rate

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73 Engineering ABS-81

Derivative Analysis of Gravity Anomalies and 2D Induced Polarization Inversion to Minimise the Risk of Exploration Failure in Potential Gold Mineralisation Areas Waluran District, Sukabumi Regency, West Java Province
Wrego Seno Giamboro , Hafiz Hamdalah, Wahyu Hidayat, Yasmina Amalia, Rosyad Najdan Muttaqin, Abdurrohim Kustanto Putra, Muhammad Zayyan Lorinsi, Amza Maulana

Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta


Gold mining is an activity that has a high risk of failure. Failures in gold mining exploration include determining prospective zones of gold mineralisation in the subsurface that are not mapped properly. As a result, the determination of gold resource estimates becomes inaccurate and there is no definite clue about the image of gold mineralisation in the subsurface. Measurements were conducted on 40 TDIP tracks with electrode spacing of 10 meters and track spacing ranging from 100 to 300 meters and gravity data of the study area obtained via TOPEX satellite in order to cover the whole WIUP area. The agreements with the employer, the size of the research area, geological data, justification, and citizen mining are the foundations of the data acquisition design. Data resistivity and chargeability are dependent on the position of justifications and information mining citizens in order to determine the gold^s mineralization potential. WIUP Waluran is composed of argylic and propylitic alteration zones that have been discovered with changes in resistivity values, according to the overall results of data processing. While the porpylitic alteration zone has a resistiveness range of > 700 Ohm.m., the argilic alteration zone is in the resistivity range of 5 to 500 Ohm.m. The gold^s potential for mineralization in the study region was suggested by a high chargeability value more than 700 msec. The information gathered from the 3D modeling findings on chargability revealed that the reserve value on the WIUP Waluran district of Sukabumi West Java was as much as 7.73 tons, approximately. We suggest six drilling locations, specifically at points of passage 4, 8, 16, 25, 35, and 37, in order to collect high-quality data from the gold mineralization in the study area. Based on Total Horizontal Derivative (THD) and Tilt Derivative (TDR) data, the gravity data shows a fault structure pattern with a southeast - northwest orientation, which is thought to be the carrier structure of gold mineralisation in the study area.

Keywords: Gravity, Induced Polarization, Gold Mineralization

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74 Engineering ABS-88

Internet of Things for Monitoring Air Pollution PM2,5 : A Bibliometric Analysis
Astanti YD (a)- Santoso DH (b*)- Rahmwati BD (a)- Akbar AT (c)- Rusita E (b)- Nandita Zahra (b)- Zahirah A.P (b)- Fahri R.A (b)- Hilmi I.K (b)- Nuansa MR (b)- Gadhing A.P(b)- Hermawan AY (c)- Mahardika BT (c)

a). Departement of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta
b).Departement of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Mineral Technology, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta *dian.hudawan[at]upnyk.ac.id
c).Departement of Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta


The research was used to analyze development in the field of air quality focusing on PM&#8322-&#8325- air pollution monitoring from 2014 to June 2024. The analysis was conducted to determine the development of scientific publications from the year, the dominating country, and the dominating author, as well as the chances of topics that will be popular in the research through searching on Scopus with the keywords Monitoring AND Air Pollution OR Air Quality AND Particulate OR Particulate Matter OR PM&#8322-&#8325- AND Internet of Things OR IoT. The results of the discussion stated that for 10 years the research has progressed, although the research topic has only been popular in the last 5 years. The highest publication in 2022 was 60 articles with the main authors of the articles including Marques G, Bulot FMJ, Chen LJ, Mahajan S, Suciu G, Basford PJ, Candra I, Cox SJ, Dutta M, and Johnston SJ. Also, the country that holds the most article publications is India.

Keywords: Internet of Things- Pollution- Monitoring- Particulate Matter

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75 Engineering ABS-93

Fanata Y. Nugraha, Muhamad Firdaus Al Hakim, I Putu Raditya Ambara Putra, Steven Chandra, Brian Tony, Damar Nandiwardhana

a Geophysical Engineering Department, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional ^Veteran^ Yogyakarta
Sleman, Indonesia
b Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology
Bandung, Indonesia
c National Center of Excellence for CCS/CCUS
Bandung, Indonesia


Indonesia is actively pursuing Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) projects as part of its strategy to mitigate carbon emissions and transition to a low-carbon economy. There is an urgency to identify the potential CO2 storage and source location from various industries such as petrochemical, cement, pulp and paper, iron&steel, and notably coal fired power plant as the major CO2 emitter. Western part of Java notably has significant potential for CCS implementation as the industry and available sinks are near each other. The primary sinks will be contributed by depleted oil and gas reservoir or basin saline aquifer. In this study, we identify the significant CO2 emitter in Western Java from various industry which have annual emission of CO2 more than 1 Mtpa. We also identify the possible CO2 storage from depleted petroleum reservoir and saline aquifer in Sunda Asri Basin and West Java Basin. We succeed identify total CO2 emission of more than 35 Mtpa in West Java and hold significant storage of 850 MtCO2

Keywords: GIS, CCS, CCUS, Source-sink match, carbon storage

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76 Engineering ABS-94

Challenges and Opportunities in the Recent DevelopmentsAluminium-Based Metal Matrix Composites: A Comprehensive Review
Atik Setyani, Hendy Roesma Wardhana, Yuliawati, Andika Septian Niko Saputra, Agata Yosefin Febrinta Putri, Fatih Arkhan Alchemy

Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta


The development of aluminium metal matrix composites (AMMCs) has seen significant advancements in recent decades. This progress has been driven by industry demands for lighter yet stronger materials. This article provides a comprehensive review of the challenges and opportunities in the recent developments of AMMCs, covering methods, applications, and general testing. The main challenges in the fabrication of AMMCs include manufacturing processes, control of reinforcement particle distribution, wettability control of aluminium, microstructural homogeneity, selection of efficient and economical methods, and issues related to corrosion and wear resistance. The agglomeration of reinforcements due to the low wettability of aluminium remains a major issue in AMMCs, leading to poor mechanical properties and accelerated corrosion. On the other hand, technological advancements in nanocomposites, additive manufacturing techniques, and modern casting methods such as stir casting have opened new opportunities to enhance the performance and applications of AMMCs across various sectors, including defense, automotive, aerospace, and construction industries. This review aims to provide insights for researchers and practitioners in the development of AMMC materials, offering perspectives on overcoming existing challenges and leveraging emerging opportunities for further innovation.

Keywords: Alumunium metal matrix composite, challenges, method, aglomeration

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77 Engineering ABS-95

Bibliometric Analysis of 3D Print in Education
Hasan Mastrisiswadi(a), Astrid Wahyu Adventri Wibowo(a*), Ismianti Ismianti(a), Rohmat Husaini(b), Puji Handayani Kasih(a), Keny Rahmawati(c), Insan Kamil(a)

(a) Industrial Engineering Department, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta, Jl. Padjajaran, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55283
(b) Informatics Department, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta, Jl. Padjajaran, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55283
(c) Business Administration Department, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta, Jl. Padjajaran, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55283


3D printing technology is developing very rapidly, especially in the educational sector. The ease of creating complex three-dimensional shapes quickly makes this technology easy to use anywhere. To find out how 3D printing is developing in the educational sector, an in-depth understanding is needed with the help of a bibliometric review. Based on the research results, it is known that the development of research on this theme is quite significant and is published in good sources, and the number of citations is quite high. Various universities in the world have conducted research on this theme, although collaboration is only limited to the United States and Europe. Apart from that, the themes that are often raised in research with this theme are those related to the fields of health and biology education.

Keywords: 3D Printing- Additive Manufacturing- Education- Bibliometric Analysis

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78 Engineering ABS-96

Assessing the Usability of the Mocaf Selling Website: Insights from System Usability Scale and USE Questionnaire
Didit Herlianto (a), Astrid Wahyu Adventri Wibowo (b*), Ida Ayu Purnama

(a) Management Department, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta, Jl. Padjajaran, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55283
(b) Industrial Engineering Department, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta, Jl. Padjajaran, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55283
(c) Accounting Department, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta, Jl. Padjajaran, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55283


In today^s digital era, the effectiveness of online platforms is heavily influenced by their usability, especially in community-driven efforts like those of Women Farmer Groups. The Ngudi Rejeki Women Farmer Group has leveraged technology by creating a sales website designed to expand market reach and boost the economic empowerment of its members. However, the success of this initiative hinges not just on having a digital platform, but on how user-friendly and fulfilling it is for users to navigate and accomplish their objectives. This study aims to assess the usability of the Mocaf Selling website using the System Usability Scale (SUS) and the USE Questionnaire. The SUS score obtained was 66.5, indicating an average level of usability. The USE questionnaire revealed that the website scored 83.01% for usefulness, 82.52% for ease-of-use, 83.70% for ease of learning, and 84.34% for satisfaction.

Keywords: Usability- Website- SUS Score- USE Questionnaire

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79 Engineering ABS-97

Implementation Of Convolutional Neural Network With VGG-19 Architecture In Disease Classification In Chickens Based On Faecal Images
Wilis Kaswidjanti, Abdillah Mustamin, Bambang Yuwono, Indah Widowati

UPN Veteran Yogyakarta


The objective of this project is to develop an image-based method for diagnosing diseases in poultry using the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model with VGG-19 architecture. The chicken is a vital farm animal used to provide eggs, meat, and feathers. But the main problem with raising chickens is that it can be difficult to manually detect diseases by eye inspection. The dataset was improved by applying a range of augmentation techniques, including shift, zoom, and rotation. The data underwent pre-processing to ensure superior image quality. The two main parameters employed in the trials of this research were the number of epochs with a frozen layer and the number of epochs with fine tuning. Thus, the best combination is to fine-tune the entire Convolutional Layer using 20 epochs. Therefore, fine-tuning the complete Convolutional Layer with 20 epochs is the optimal combination. With an accuracy of 97.21%, precision of 97.00%, recall of 97.00%, and f1-score of 97.00%, the final model is rather good. This study significantly advances the accurate and efficient diagnosis of chicken illnesses. Farmers might use the information to determine what preventive actions are necessary.

Keywords: classification, CNN, VGG-19

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80 Engineering ABS-98

Implementation of K-Nearest Neighbor in Intrusion Detection and Network Security using Open-Source Snort
Rifki Indra Perwira (a*), Ahmad Dzakiyyul Fuad (a), Aldila Putri Linanzha (a), Simon Pulung Nugroho (a), Oliver Samuel Simanjuntak (a)

a) UPN ^Veteran^ Yogyakarta


Vulnerability and cybersecurity issues need special attention. In the current era, online-based information system services are implemented in almost all UPN ^Veteran^ Yogyakarta environments, so the internet connection must be smooth without problems such as timeouts, heavy traffic, or other obstacles that cause unstable connections and user inconvenience.

To ensure this, a security system is needed that can detect unauthorized or suspicious activity on devices or packets that traverse network traffic. IDS (Intrusion Detection System) is an intrusion detection system that analyzes traffic patterns both generally and specifically to and from the server. When a certain pattern change occurs, the IDS will alert the user. SNORT is an open-source model that can be used to detect anomalous traffic. SNORT can analyze network traffic in real time and detect various threat attacks such as port scanning, DoS, buffer overflow, and others.

IDS can be combined with other classification methods in machine learning to classify anomalous traffic and identify attack categories. One popular machine learning method for classification is K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN). The KNN method was chosen because this method is quite simple and easy to implement.

The dataset used in this research is secondary data, namely NSL-KDD, which was obtained from an online platform for sharing research data, namely Kaggle. NSL-KDD can be used to evaluate intrusion detection models created using the KNN method. In this research, different k values were tested to obtain the most optimal results. Classification of network attack types using the KNN method is best at k=1, achieving 91% accuracy.

Keywords: IDS, Snort, KNN

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81 Engineering ABS-99

Designing Executive Information System for Tracer Study of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta to support the Achievement of University Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to Submit This Sample Abstract
Herlina Jayadianti (a*), Herry Sofyan(a), Juwairiah(a)

(a) Infomatics Department - Faculty of Industrial Engineering-Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta



The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek) through the Directorate of Higher Education (Dikti) is currently carrying out efforts to pioneer the compilation of national tracer study data, especially regarding the transition and employment position of university graduates in Indonesia. UPN Veteran Yogyakarta as one of the state universities is also required to support the ministrys work program. For this reason, it is necessary to develop an online system that can be used by UPN Veteran Yogyakarta to track the activities of its graduates after the education period, both the transition period and their movement in the world of work. Tracer study is considered important because it is a tool for evaluating the performance of higher education institutions and has now been used as one of the requirements for accreditation by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) through the Self Accreditation Institute (LAM), as a completeness in the Self Evaluation document required in submitting proposals through the Ministry of Education and Culture. In addition, the tracer study is closely related to one of the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) listed in the 8 KPI items published by the Ministry of Education and Culture Ristek, namely the first item which states that graduates get decent jobs. This research aims to design and build an online system in the form of an Executive Information System (EIS) that can track the activities of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta graduates both during the transition period and their movement in the world of work. This system can also provide an overview of the position of graduates of each faculty, department and study program who have been absorbed in the world of work and prepare graduates in accordance with the competencies needed in the world of work. The results of tracer study data processing can then be used as material for reports to Higher Education to assist Government programs in order to map the needs of the world of work with educational development in Indonesia. This Executive Information System can be used by leaders at UPN Veteran Yogyakarta as a basis for determining policies and strategic steps in improving university performance. The methodology used in this research uses the Waterfall method, which is a method commonly used for developing a system. This system development method consists of 6 stages, each of which is requirement analysis, design, implementation, testing, deployment and maintenance.

Keywords: Tracer study, KPI, Graduates, Executive Information System (EIS)

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82 Engineering ABS-101

Monica Maharani (a*), Riyas Syamsul Arif (b), Ahmad Rafi Muafa Syarif (a)

a) Teknik Geomatika, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
b) Teknik Geomatika, Universitas Gadjah Mada


Segmentation method has shown a good level of success for detecting specific types of objects on the earths surface, but there has been no research examining the use of segmentation for detecting railway tracks. The purpose of this study is to test the reliability of the segmentation method in detecting specific objects in the form of railway track components using orthomosaic image data from aerial photography data acquisition with drones. The location chosen for the research was the construction of a new rail line from Kedundang station to Yogyakarta International Airport. This research using aerial photography equipped with GCP measurements using the RTK NTRIP GNSS receiver to obtain accurate coordinates. The results of the study showed that the segmentation method used couldnt detect railway track components perfectly. The components that couldnt be detected were railway track fasteners. However, the concrete and steel railway sleeper components could be detected well.

Keywords: algorithm multiresolution, orthomosaic image,segmentation, RTK NTRIP

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83 Engineering ABS-102

Performance Comparison of PhaseNet with Conventional Event Identification of Microearthquake Data in Geothermal Sites
Putu Raditya Ambara Putra, Muhamad Firdaus Al Hakim*, Fanata Yudha

1) Geophysical Engineering, Faculty of Mineral Technology, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, Indonesia
2) Petroleum Engineering, Faculty of Mineral Technology, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, Indonesia


To evaluate the reservoir^s permeability and understanding the potential seismic hazard in geothermal fields, microearhtquake (MEQ) monitoring is mandatory. However, the process to obtain the information from seismic data is often tedious and time-consuming. Therefore, in this study, we used the PhaseNet to identify the arrival times of P and S to obtain the microseismic events catalogue. We compared the results of PhaseNet identification with existing catalogue to see the quality of the data. In this study we use one month data from geothermal field. PhaseNet succeeded in detecting a greater number of phases and events compared to catalog data, where the identification match rate was 85%. Furthermore, the time required for automatic detection of PhaseNet is relatively short, thus this method is good for initial step for MEQ analysis. We also compared the hypocenter location of PhaseNet catalogue and existing catalogue to determine the stability of the method.

Keywords: PhaseNet, Machine Learning, Microearthquake

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84 Engineering ABS-105

Biodiesel Production from Chlorella sorokiniana Microalgae through In Situ Microwave Assisted Transesterification
Heni Anggorowati, Danang Jaya, Wilis Kaswidjanti, Rashda Sa^adah, Melia Hirta Tirtasari, Putri Restu Dewati)*

Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta


In facing global energy challenges and the environmental impact of fossil fuels, biodiesel is emerging as a sustainable alternative. This research focuses on Chlorella sorokiniana microalgae as a potential source for biodiesel production, which known for its high lipid content. This study aims to determine the harvest period of Chlorella sorokiniana and optimize the lipid extraction process to convert it into biodiesel with in situ transesterification process. Evaluation of microalgae weight ratio parameter to the solvent in the transesterification process was carried out. Density and acid number were checked to determine the quality of the biodiesel produced. From the experiment, it was found that the 11th day was the best time for harvesting. From transesterification process, it was obtained that the weight ratio of microalgae to solvent of 1:15 (w/v) provided an optimal biodiesel yield of 78.39%, with a density of 0.871 g/mL and with an acid number of 2.016.

Keywords: biodiesel, transesterification, microwave, chlorella

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85 Engineering ABS-106

Smart farming using IOT

1 Department of Informatics, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta (UPNVY),
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
2. Department of Mining, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta (UPNVY),
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
3. Department of Agriculture, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta (UPNVY),
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
4. Faculty of Information and Communication Tecnology, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka
(UteM), Melaka, Malaysia


This research intended to establish an integrated system to monitor crop growth and regulate irrigation to increase agricultural yields. To overcome such problems with conventional farming methods, an approach is proposed to automate crop systems, optimizing plant growth conditions and reducing water use. Design/methodology/approach In this study, the process starts with the data accuisition, creation of an IoT architecture, creation of irrigation instruments, implementation, testing and analysis the system. The system can work automatically, and the data read can be displayed in real-time on the website thinger.io. The system is capable of conditioning according to the needs of the plants, and the percentage results using IoT (Internet of Things) methods based on test results show that this system can increase the rate of plant growth and development with a significant increase in plant height, number of leaves, and leaf width. Additionally, this system also provides better water use efficiency compared to manual watering. The automatic watering efficiency for chili plants is 58%, for eggplants is 76%, and for tomatoes is 64%. Thus, this system can help farmers optimize water usage and improve plant productivity efficiently. This research develops smart irrigation in Precision Agriculture for several crop variations.

Keywords: Smart Irrigation, Sensor, IoT, Precision Agriculture

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86 Engineering ABS-111

Herlina Jayadianti 1), Budi Suyanto 2), Arif Rianto Budi Nugroho 3)

1.2 Department of Informatics, Information Systems Study Program, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta
3 Department of Geological Engineering, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta


Indonesia is an archipelagic country and has many natural disasters such as landslides, floods, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The causes are natural factors and unplanned regional development infrastructure.
The development of smartphones has increased sharply, allowing developers to create applications that can run on these devices, one of which is an augmented reality-based application. According to Marketsand Markets, the augmented reality market is expected to grow to -72.7 billion by 2024. Therefore, computers are expected to grow at a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 46.6% between 2019 and 2024.
Computer Vision is a field of technology that allows computers to recognize objects around them, for example QRCode code recognition. AR technology can be used to create everything from mobile games and learning media. The purpose of this study is to develop an augmented reality application for visualizing volcanic natural disasters, the model of which uses a waterfall model.
The results of the study are to create information media for the eruption of Mount Merapi based on 3-dimensional animation in the form of a mobile application based on Augmented reality for natural disaster knowledge media at the Mount Merapi Volcano Museum in Yogyakarta.

Keywords: Augmented Reality, Mount Merapi natural disaster, Waterfall, QRCode

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87 Engineering ABS-112

Reservoir Simulation Study of Cyclic Low Salinity Waterflood at a Line-Direct Pattern in Rub al Khali Basin
Ratna Widyaningsih (a*), Edgie Yuda Kaesti(a), Suwardi(a), Adam Raka Ekasara(b), Fahrur Rozi(a), Dhika Permana Jati(a)

a) Petroleum Engineering Department, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, Indonesia
b) Geology Engineering Department, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, Indonesia


The Rub Al Khali Basin, located in southern Saudi Arabia, is a deep (7350 ft) and carbonate reservoir with an average porosity of 21%, permeability of 23.3 mD and formation water salinity of 47,091 ppm. The produced oil has an API gravity of 42.1. Cyclic Low Salinity Waterflood (CLSW) combines Cyclic Waterflood Injection with Low Salinity Water Injection (LSWI) to maximize oil recovery by combining pressuring and de-pressuring cycles and altering wettability to more water-wet conditions. This study evaluates CLSW^s effectiveness in enhancing oil recovery using black oil simulations on tNavigator. The injection scenario includes sensitivity of injected water salinity, cyclic periods of 1:1 and 2:1, and variable injection rates of 1400, 1200, and 1000 stb/d. Cumulative oil production in the 1:1 cyclic period with injection rates of 1400, 1200, and 1000 stb/d reached 17.31, 16.85, and 16.3 MMSTB, respectively, while in the 2:1 cyclic period it reached 16.85, 16.38, and 15.8 MMSTB. Clearly seen that the 1:1 cycle period provided higher oil recovery due to faster pressuring and de-pressuring. It is concluded that for this pattern, CLSW with shorter cyclic periods results in better oil recovery in this reservoir.

Keywords: Cyclic Low Salinity Waterflooding, Cyclic water injection, Low salinity

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88 Engineering ABS-114

Leveraging SIFT Features for Superior SVM-Based Recognition of Hanacaraka Javanese Characters
Bambang Yuwono, Mangaras Yanu Florestiyanto, Dessyanto Boedi Prasetyo, Rama Tri Agung

UPN Veteran Yogyakarta


Abstract. The Hanacaraka Javanese script has garnered little public interest, and the number of users is declining, partly due to the relatively high difficulty level of teaching and learning Javanese. To help preserve this cultural script, a handwritten character recognition system for the Javanese script has been proposed. Previous research has explored various approaches for the system^s application, such as CNN, KNN, and SVM, each with limitations. This study applies the SVM and feature extraction SIFT method to enhance classification performance. The study uses 2940 records with 20 classes, which have been augmented by seven variations and some preprocessing, precisely resizing and grayscaling. The parameters were optimised by testing 20 combinations of image size, K value, C value, and Gamma value. The best parameters obtained from the test were an image size of 192x192 pixels, a K value of 750, a C value of 3, and a Gamma value of 0.1023. The SVM-SIFT model classification using these parameters achieved high accuracy, with 92.11% on training data and 94.55% on test data. This indicates that the SIFT feature extraction significantly improves the accuracy of the SVM model.

Keywords: handwriting recognition, SVM, SIFT

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89 Engineering ABS-118

Evaluation of Water Injection Performance Using Buckley-Leverett Method on BRF Layer in ^ASA^ Field
Dyah Rini R.- M.Th. Kristiati- Edgie Yuda K- M. Syukron- Ahsha N.

Faculty of Mineral Technology, UPN ^Veteran^ Yogyakarta


The BRF Layer is one of the hydrocarbon-producing layers in the ^ASA^ Field. This field began production in October 1999. The water injection started in 2005 and was able to increase oil production. Then after production, the reservoir pressure decreased from 2312 psi to 850 psi, and oil production was reduced too. The decline of pressure and rate needs to be evaluated. The method used to increase pressure and production rate is water injection. Evaluation of water injection performance was carried out using the Buckley-Leverett method. Work using this method begins with collecting field data, and then analyzing fluid movement using fractional flow calculations. The next step is to calculate the estimated water injection performance in the period from filling to breakthrough and after breakthrough. Evaluation is also carried out by analyzing production data after water injection. In addition, analysis using the Hall Plot and Chan^s Diagnostic Plot methods was carried out to determine the condition of injection and production wells. Observation of the BRF layer resulted in an area sweep efficiency of 0.89 and a mobility ratio of 0.27. The prediction is the water injection will be a breakthrough on day 952. The cumulative production was obtained at 1.88 MMbbl and a recovery factor of 46.28% with an injection rate of 2.8 Mbbl/d. The water injection project in this field can be continued because it has an effect on increasing oil acquisition.

Keywords: Water Injection, Buckley-Leverett Method, Chan^s Diagnostic Plot, Hall Plot.

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90 Engineering ABS-128

Model Based Seismic Inversion Practice to The Image Seismic Section
Wiji Raharjo (a*), Indriati Retno Palupi (a), Oktavia Dewi Alfiani(b)

(a) Geophysical Engineering, Faculty of Mineral Technology, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
* wiji.raharjo[at]upnyk.ac.id

(b) Geomatics Engineering, Faculty of Mineral Technology, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta


Observing reflection coefficient and Acoustic Impedance (AI) from seismic section is necessary to get some geological information. The seismic section is an arrangement of many seismic traces as a result of convolution between reflection coefficient and mother wavelet. And one way to get both reflection coefficient and AI is model based inversion method. Unfortunately, it is hard calculating, consists of several steps you need to understand. Alternative way, we do this process to seismic section image as a practice. Seismic traces that extracted from seismic section has low size and it is very easy to be inverted. Anyway, it is a simple thing but can be a breakthrough in understanding model-based inversion method. It can be applied to the real data for getting a better result.

Keywords: Reflection coefficient- Acoustic Impedance- Seismic trace- seismic section image-Model based inversion

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