Assessing the optimization strategy of BUMKal Efforts for Village Self-Reliance in Yogyakarta,,,,,
Faculty of Economics and Business, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta 55283, Indonesia.
Law No. 6/2014 on Villages stipulates that village authority includes the administration of village government, implementation of village development, guidance of village communities, and empowerment of village communities based on community initiatives, rights of origin, and village customs. Currently, villages are expected to be more innovative and creative in utilizing their local potential, one of which is through the establishment of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) or in Yogyakarta known as Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMKal) which are expected to support village self-reliance. This research aims to identify the characteristics of BUMKal and its management optimization strategy by taking a case study in Sleman Regency as an effort to optimize village potential towards self-reliance. The research approach is qualitative with explorative-descriptive analysis techniques. This research examines BUMKal in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta D.I. considering that there are still 14 sub-districts that have not established and operated BUMKal optimally. The existence of 5 BUMKal that are included in the Advanced BUMKal Ranking category, it is important to strategize, build an integrated information system based on BUMKal development, and strengthen cooperation between BUMKal through the creation of working relationships and networks, in order to support the development of village self-reliance.
Keywords: Optimization, BUMDes, BUMKal, Village Self-Reliance, exploratory research.