CONTRIBUTION OF MOVING TREATMENTS TO DESTRUCTION OF THE FOREST ENVIRONMENT IN THE ROUTA OF KONAWE DISTRICT, TENGGARA PROVINCE Antropologi FIB UHO Kendari Abstract That changes in the objectives, orientation and main priority of cultivators from upland rice to land - directly or indirectly - have contributed to the destruction of the forest environment in Routa. This article is intended to explore and analyze some of the contributions of shifting cultivation to forest environmental degradation in Routa today. This study uses a combination of qualitative and quantitative research approaches, especially with the rational equation method where the results of statistical calculations are then interpreted culturally. The results of this study indicate that current shifting cultivation has contributed greatly to the increasing damage to the forest environment and decreased hydro-orologic functions of forests in Routa as well as other ecological functions, including: conversion of primary and secondary forest land to shifting cultivation areas, restoration of areas ex-shifting cultivation that are ongoing. slower than usual, increased surface water flow, increased erosion and sedimentation, increased local air temperature and decreased humidity and the potential for large carbon losses. Keywords: Contribution of Moving Land- Forest Environmental Damage Topic: Humanities |
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