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The Potential For Making Handicraft Products Using Corn Husk Fiber As An Alternative Raw Material
Ani.M Hasan (a), Amir Halid (b), Hasdiana(c*)

(a) Biologi, Fakultas Mipa, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
(b) Agribisni,s Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
(c*) Pendidikan Seni Rupa,, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas
E-mail: has_diana[at]


The purpose of this research is to meet the needs of handicraft raw materials. The need for handicraft raw materials is increasingly varied so that tests are carried out on materials that have the potential to become alternative materials for crafts that are easily obtained in our environment. This includes sweet corn husks in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia. Provinces that have abundant maize production. This research is using experimental method. The research was conducted in three stages, namely the first stage: identification of the characteristics of the corn husk through a tensile strength test, the second stage: processing of corn husks using weaving techniques and the third stage of the product manufacturing process. The conclusion of this study shows 1. Corn husk which can be used as raw material for sweet corn husk handicraft products, 2. After soaking in CH3COOH for 45 minutes and drying process for 3 hours, the color of the corn husks will be lighter and the strength becomes 3.58 g / tex, 3. Can be processed into handicraft products.

Keywords: Corn Husk, raw material, Weaving, Handicraft, Products

Topic: Social Science

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Hasdiana Saleh)

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