Islamic Figures^ Perceptions of Terrorism Issues Constructed by Mass Media Faculty of Social Science and Political Science, UM Kendari Jalan KH. Ahamd Dahlan No. 10, Kendari Indonesia Abstract This study aims to describe how the Islamic figures^ point of view on the issue of terrorism in the media. The research focus on the analysis of meaning and assessment of construction coverage on terrorism issue. Interview data were analyzed through a constructivist paradigm and presented in a narrative. Results of this study showing that Islamic figures assess the reporting of the issue of terrorism in the mass media to lead to stigmatization of Islamic symbols. Findings of this study indicate that there is design by mass media in construction process of reporting on terrorism issues. Aspects that influence are political economy interests in the form of broadcast ratings and sales circulation, as well as ideological interests, namely global capitalism. Keywords: Islamic figure, issue of terrorism, mass media reporting Topic: Social Science |
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