The Role of Local Language in the Prevention of Covid-19 in Abeli District of Kendari Town, Southeast Sulawesi
La Aso, Maulid Taembo, Zahrani, Ansor Putra, Zulfiah Larisu, Maliudin

Halu Oleo University


This study discusses the role of local language in preventing the spreading of Covid-19 in Abeli District, Kendari Town, Southeast Sulawesi. It used qualitative descriptive design through documentation, interview and deep observation. Based on the result of the study, local language should be maintained well because it is not only as one of supporting of national culture but also has many functions, including in the prevention of Covid-19. The parents, teachers, and community have significant role in maintaining and developing the function of local language.
In this study, people are also introduced some terms related to Covid-19. Those terms are translated in each local language in Abeli such as Muna, Tolaki, Java, Bugis, Wakatobi, Wolio, and Toraja languages. It helps the people to be able use local language appropriately, mainly in preventing the Covid-19. Those terms are like keeping distance, using masker, cleaning hands frequently or using handsinitizer, and others terms in local language related to prevention of Covid-19. The use of local language give and rise people^s enthusiasm in the prevention of Covid-19 for both children and adult, and even older people. In sum, the use of local language in daily communication, mainly in relating of Covid-19 prevention has significant role in preventing and handling the danger of Covid-19.

Keywords: local language- prevention of Covid-19

Topic: Social Science

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