Causality Of Gross Regional Domestic Products And Dollar Exchange On The Consumption And Investment Of Bali Province Up To The Pandemic Time Covid 19 Desak Ayu Sriary Bhegawati (a*), Desak Made Sukarnasih (b), Ni Nyoman Ari Novarini (c)
a) Faculty of Economics and Business Mahasaraswati University Denpasar. Kamboja Street No 11 A Denpasar_Bali
b) Faculty of Economics and Business National Education University Denpasar.
c) Faculty of Economics and Business Mahasaraswati University Denpasar. Kamboja Street No 11 A Denpasar_Bali
The economic sector of a region is a direct picture of all the activities of producing goods and services in that region. The economic structure of Bali, although relatively small, has unique characteristics. The economy as an important factor in human life. It can be ascertained that in everyday human life it always intersects with economic needs. The existence of the economy can provide opportunities for humans to meet their daily needs. Relationship between Consumption, Investment, Gross Regional Domestic Product, and Exchange Rates. Consumption, both public (including private) consumption, and government consumption is influenced by Gross Regional Domestic Product and investment. High and low of Gross Regional Domestic Product reflects the level and condition of the regional economy. The relationship between investment, consumption which affects each other every period, is also influenced by the effects that occurred in the previous year. The effect of capital formation in the current year may not be felt on other economic variables at present, but the results will be enjoyed in the coming years. Likewise, investment a few years ago, the results are optimal at this time. The Covid 19 pandemic affected all provinces in Indonesia which by sector, and Bali Province experienced the second-largest decline, namely estimated economic growth.
Keywords: Gross Regional Domestic Product, Dollar Exchange Rate, Consumption, Investment.