GEOGRAPHY DIALECT OF MUNA LANGUAGE Maulid Taembo, Rahman, Wa Ode Halfian, Zahrani
Halu Oleo University
This study discusses the geography dialect of Muna language in Southeast Sulawesi. It was conducted because of both the lack of study about geography dialect and Muna language has interesting dialects to be investigated, in which it is used frequently in three regencies of Southeast Sulawesi. This study discusses (1) the phonemes of Muna language- (2) describing and analyzing phonologocal and lexical variation of Muna- and (3) describing and analyzing the group of Muna based on phonological and lexical isogloss bundles and lexical dialectometry.
Since the limited time, the study was done in only several point observations or areas in Muna and Center Buton Regencies, namely Tongkuno and Mawasangka. The data is obtained from interview or participant speaking and scrutinize methods. The instrument comes from 200 lists of Swadesh and 750 lists of Isodore Dyen. In analyzing the data, it uses apportion and equal methods, and then isogloss bundles and dialectometry methods. The result of this study shows that muna language has five vowels and nineteen consonants. Both dialects in Tongkuno and Mawasangka do not show significant different or lexical variation because they show the much closed relationship. The variation just appears on phonological aspects such as phoneme /r/ on Tongkuno is realized to phoneme /h/ on Mawasangka. It thus phonological bundles can show the groups of Tongkuno and Mawasangka as dialects of Muna. Besides, lexical dialectometry shows that the relationship of Tongkuno and Mawasangka in 17% which is categorized in different dialects of Muna language.
Keywords: geography dialect, Muna, dialectometry
Topic: Social Science