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Implications of Conversation at Kendari Fish Auction
Eko Prasetyo(a*) Dr. La Ino(b), Mailudin, S.Pd., M.Pd.(c)

Halu Oleo University


This research is a qualitative descriptive study which aims to describe the lingual form of the conversational implicatures contained in the communication that occurs at the Kendari Fish Auction. In this study, the method used to collect data was to record the conversations that occurred at the Kendari Fish Auction, then sort the data which contained conversation implications, then the data that had been collected was analyzed. In analyzing the data, the researcher used a conversational implicature research model conducted by Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Putrayasa, M.Pd. in his book written in 2014 entitled Pragmatics. In this study the researcher found nine kinds of conversational implicatures, namely the conversation implicature prohibiting two data being found, the conversational implicature agreed to find three data, the conversational implicature refused to be found four data, the command conversation implicature was found two data, the conversation implicature asked for three data, the conversational implicature confirmed two data, conversation implicature complained found three data, implicature reported no data found, and conversational implicature which is not explained in Putrayasa (2014) but can be strengthened that this part is included in part of conversation implicature and can be justified

Keywords: Implications of Conversation at Kendari Fish Auction

Topic: Humanities

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