THE ANALYSIS OF ECONOMIC CONTRIBUTION OF IMPLEMENTING THE MINA PADI TO FARMERS HOUSEHOLD INCOME IN BASALA DISTRICT, SOUTH KONAWE REGENCY (a)Department of agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, Halu Oleo University Kendari Abstract Mina Padi is a system that combines rice and fish plants in one land. This system will certainly provide several benefits for farmers. The purpose of this study is to determine the economic contribution of the application of the rice farming system to the household income of farmers. The number of respondents is all lowland rice farmers who apply the mina padi system, namely 68 people. The method of determining the sample is determined by the census method. The data used are primary data sourced from interviews with respondents, and secondary data from related agencies. The data analysis used is income analysis and contribution analysis. The results obtained are the application of the mina rice farming system contributes to the addition of sources of income for farmers, namely apart from rice production and sales of freshwater fish, which is an average of IDR 1,524,092/month and also income from fishing tourism sources of IDR 1,517. 647/month. So that the total income of farmers obtained from the rice paddy system is IDR 3,041,738 /month Keywords: Contribution- Economy- Income- Mina Padi- Household Topic: Social Science |
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