TECHNIQUES OF TRANSLATION APPLIED IN PROMOTING TOURISM DESTINATION AREA Universitas Warmadewa, Bali, Indonesia Abstract This study aimed to find out techniques of translation applied in Colours Magazine published by Garuda Indonesia Airlines and the dominance techniques applied in translating Source Language (SL) into Target Language (TL). The data is taken from advertisement found in Colours Magazine particularly advertisement which promoting tourist destination area. This research used qualitative research. The data was collected by using documentary study method. The data was analyzed by descriptive qualitative method. The analysis was done through qualitative analysis specifically in descriptive qualitative analysis based on theory of translation techniques proposed by Molina and Albir (2002). The result of analysis showed that there were only 11 techniques from 18 translation techniques applied in translating the text of promotion from Indonesian into English found in Colours Magazine. The techniques were 11 translation procedures that occurred adaptation, borrowing, generalization, reduction, compensation, amplification, calque, modulation, transposition, established, and particularization. Among those techniques, reduction was the dominant techniques applied Keywords: Colours magazine- Text of promotion- Translation techniques Topic: Humanities |
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