STATE SOVEREIGHNTY AND THE SUBJECT OF HOMO SACER IN NOVEL THE INNOCENT MAN BY JOHN GRISHAM UGM Pascasarjana Magister, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Abstract This study aims to analyze and reveal the form of state sovereignty and its relationship to the life of each individual or citizen in John Grisham^s 2006 novel The Innocent Man (TIM). The analysis was carried out based on the political philosophy point of view put forward by Giorgio Agamben. Agamben questions the relationship between sovereignty and individual life in which a person^s life is reduced to bare life through biopolitics. In the bare life, a person has nothing but humanity, even humanity is stripped of himself. The method used is a qualitative method by analyzing data using hermeneutics techniques. Keywords: Keywords: State Sovereignty, Bare Life, Exception, Homo Sacer. Topic: Humanities |
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