Portrait of Pakpak Dairi Language: Language Attitude of Speakers
Dr.IdaBasaria,M.Hum- Drs.Parlindungan,M.Hum, Drs.Yulianus Harefa

University 0f Sumatera Utara


In the era of globalization, we as citizens of Indonesia are expected to be proud and uphold our unity language, namely Indonesian.Indonesian identity needs to be fostered and promoted.This is necessary, so that the Indonesian people will not be carried away by the influences of foreign cultures entering Indonesia.On the other hand, bilingual Indonesian people also know regional and foreign languages (English),must be able to ^sort out^ the attitude and use of two or more languages that it uses.Regional languages in Indonesia and national languages live in one place and develop in one place,namely the Indonesian people.In reality both languages can be said to be contradictory,because there is a desire that the national language can be the unifying language of each tribe, race, and culture in Indonesia.Equality in the use of national languages in almost all lines of community life can be contrary to the regional languages (mother tongue) that they use as everyday language.National language as a second language that requires all levels of society to use it,can result in regional languages as the first language gradually eroded.If this continues to be forced, then the local language that is less strong because of its few users can disappear even unknown in the future.It could have formed what is called a bilingual subtractive pattern in Indonesian society,the mastery of the second language (Indonesian) gradually replaced the first language (regional language). It is different when viewed from the side of unity, then between regional languages and national languages can coexist harmoniously.In schools, Indonesian is taught and their native languages(local languages) are taught too. If this happens, there will be no disappearances from each other.National language does not remove the local language, and vice versa.This paper wants to uncover the urgency of the Pakpak Dairi language as one of the regional languages in the Dairi district of North Sumatra by sociolinguisti

Keywords: language attitude, urgency, regional languages, Pakpak Dairi language

Topic: Social Science

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