Balinese literary works originating from Old Javanese literature in Bali: The Geguritan genre case
Luh Putu Puspawati, I Made Suastika

The Faculty of Culture Science Udayana University


A number of Balinese literary works with the genre of geguritan have emerged in the history of Balinese literary works. The emergence of literature in Bali, geguritan, directly takes the theme of Balinese nature, but most of them take Old Javanese literature as their source (babonnya). Adapted according to the Balinese literary genre at that time. With this phenomenon, the study traces geguritan texts that originate from ancient Javanese literature, especially the Mahabharata and Ramayana. In this case adapting the source text (babonnya) into the new creation text, a process occurs which locally (local wisdom) is called proses pem-Balian, which is taking three models, namely code aspects of language, aspects of literature, and culture. The existence of pem Balian serves to transmit the values in Old Javanese texts into the Balinese literary tradition with the inclusion of language, literature and culture. So that this is an orthogenetic process, namely the change of text intrinsically continuously dynamically, in accordance with the development of the world of politics, history, literary arts and Balinese society.

Keywords: Ramayana, Mahabharata, Pem-balian, literary code

Topic: Humanities

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