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The Elements of Ethnography ^Speaking^ in Fist Fight Movies (2017)
Ni Ketut Sukiani (a*), I Gusti Ngurah Agung Wira Hadijaya (b)

Warmadewa University


This study discusses the elements of ethnography which is found in Fist Fight Movie using Hymes^s theory. The data sources collected by watching the movie. In analyzing the element of ethnography ^speaking^ which found in the movie. The main theory used in analyzing the data is taken from Dell Hymes theory. The researcher uses descriptive qualitative research in designing this study, due to it describes what exist and may help to uncover new facts and meaning. The concepts about the element ethnography is also taken from the supporting theories. The result of the study, it is found that there are eight elements of ethnography, they are setting, participants, ends, act, key, instrument, norms, and genre, where each conversation gives a different analysis. In this movie the researcher found 32 scenes that fit and can be analyzed with the theory of Dell Hymes. However, the researcher elected 10 scenes of the movie to be described in this study

Keywords: Communication- Ethnography- Speaking

Topic: Humanities

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