Pertamini Business Feasibility in Perspective of Law No. 22 of 2001 on Oil and Gas Faculty of Law, Universitas Warmadewa, Denpasar Abstract The law on oil and gas already regulates how to utilize this resources to avoid the exploitation and distribution to gas stations in each region. However, oil-fuel retailers with the Pertamini brand are commonly found in the community today, which when viewed from the Oil and Gas Law, are certainly not in accordance with what has been regulated in the legislation. As a result, It is very important to carry out this research with the aim of ascertaining pertamini business feasibility review from the Indonesian legislation. It is also to make the general public understand the importance of public safety in Pertamini business. Therefore this research was designed using the normative method and the data is in form of primary and secondary legal sources. Buying and selling of fuel oil can only be carried out by Cooperatives, Private Business Entities, Regional and State owned Enterprises, after they have obtained a business license from the government. This is stated in article 9 paragraph 1 of law No. 22 of 2001 on Oil and Gas. The government does provide an opportunity for small businesses to legally sell fuel oil through the regulation of Oil and gas Downstream Regulatory Agency No. 6 of 2015 with the aim of equitable distribution of fuel oil. In addition, the Factors that influence the increasing number of fuel sellers with the Pertamini concept in Denpasar City are the high number of motor vehicles, especially two-wheeled motorcycles, high public interest, ease of selling and the high profit in this business. Keywords: Business feasibility- Pertamini Topic: Humanities |
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