Strengthening Balinese Customary Laws through Awig-Awig Writing in Pekutatan Negara Traditional Village I Made Suwitra (a*), I Wayan Wesna Astara (b), I Ketut Kasta Arya Wijaya (c), I Wayan Arthanaya (d)
Universitas Warmadewa, Bali, Indonesia
The purpose of this research is to analyze the legal certainty aspects on Awig-Awig in an effort to strengthen the Traditional Village based on the Tri Hitakarana philosophy. The Awig-Awig writing is a codification of Balinese customary law which regulates the various activities of Krama Desa (village residents). Parhyangan is a forum for villagers to connect themselves with Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa (God Almighty) and a means of preserving the Balinese culture. Palemahan is the manifestation of harmonized relationship between territories or the foundation of life sources and beachhead from live until death. In developing the village residents life which is always progressive, it is necessary to affirm the arrangements through the Awig-Awig writing in accordance with their rights, obligations, marriage, and inheritance. Therefore, it is consistently enforced according to the value of propriety in society.
Keywords: Awig-awig- Balinese culture- traditional villages- propriety