When the Author Sued for Exploitation of Women and Nature In Margaret Atwood^s Surfacing Novel
Silvia Rosa (a*), Riyani Fadilla (b), Dina Fauzana (b), Mahawitra Jayawardana

(a) Faculty of Humanities, Andalas University, Kampus Limau Manis, Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia.

(b) Postgraduate Literature Science, Andalas University.


Women and nature often experience violence. The research aims to describe the forms of female exploitation and nature represented in Margaret Atwood^s novel Surfacing. Data collection is done through library studies. Vandana Shiva and Maria Mies^ ecofeminism perspective is used to analyzing the data. The results showed that surfacing novels represent three forms of exploitation experienced by women and nature. The three forms of exploitation are (1) reduction of the female uterus by the presence of technology- (2) exploitation of women and nature due to industrial interests- (3) the construction and felling of trees for the benefit of various industries. The study concluded that women are positioned as objects as well as ^the other^ exploited by the capitalist patriarchy. Women are used for commercial gain, without thinking about the impact of ecological destruction that can afflict women and nature. Women as guardians of biodiversity and sustainability of life because it utilizes nature to fulfil the needs of daily life. Ecological crises and exploitation of women must be prevented. That message is present in this novel

Keywords: exploitation- women- nature- surfacing- ecofeminism

Topic: Humanities

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