Flora Lexicon of Kaghati in Muna Speech Community Nirmalasari (a*), Rahmat Sewa Suraya (b), Lili Darlian (c), Damhuri (d)
Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia
This article describes the flora lexicon of kaghati in Muna Speech Community (MSC) through ecolinguistics perspective. Kaghati ^the kite^ is one type of the traditional games and a tribal cultural product in MSC which still exists today. All the materials and tools of the kite ^kaghati^ are taken from nature, i.e. the wall of kaghati is made from gadung leaf or roo kolope in Muna Language (ML). Therefore, this article aims to: (1) find and describe the flora lexicon of kaghati- and (2) analyze the dynamic of inter-generational understanding. The method used is qualitative and supported by quantitative methods. The data needed were obtained by observation, interview, and questionnaire methods. Then, the questionnaire is conducted upon 150 respondents. The range of the respondents^ ages was from 15 to 65 years. Based on data analysis, there were two findings found: (1) the flora lexicon of kaghati consists of fifteen lexicons as nominal and biotic category. (2) There is a different level of inter-generational understanding on flora lexicon of kaghati. The old generation (46-65 years) 84% (good), the middle generation (25-45 years) 74% (good), and the young generation (15-24 years) 55% (good enough).