The Existence of the Sangeh Village Credit Institution (LPD) in Supporting the Village Community Economy
I Nyoman Putu Budiartha (a*), I Putu Suwantara (b), A.A Sagung Laksmi Dewi (c), Ni Made Puspasutari Ujianti (d), Desak Gde Dwi Arini (e), I Made Aditya Mantara Putra (f)

Universitas Warmadewa, Bali, Indonesia


Sangeh is one of the villages in the Abiansemal Sub-district, Badung Regency, Bali Province, which is famous for its tourist destinations. However, for continuous existence as a tourist destination, a lot of development and tourism support business sectors need to be established, which requires lots of money. Therefore, the Village Credit Institution (LPD) and Rural Credit Bank (BPR) were established as of the Microfinance Institutions to assist in tourism to help in providing capital. However, normatively, the establishment and ownership of BPRs in Traditional Villages are in conflict with the provisions of Article 4 of the OJK Regulation Number 20 / POJK.3 / 2014.

Keywords: Village Credit- Business Sector- Rural Credit Bank

Topic: Humanities

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