OPTIMIZATION OF COVID 19 PREVENTION THROUGH COUNSELING A MODEL OF YOUTH CREATIVITY AND LOCAL AWARENESS IN MEKAR JAYA VILLAGE Universitas Halu Oleo Abstract The Covid 19 pandemic had a huge impact in various fields, not only on the economy, but also on socio-culture. The rapid spread of the virus invites panic in the community in terms of obtaining various Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and food supplies while all routines are carried out at home. This panic, also known as panic buying, has resulted in the scarcity of PPE in almost all regions in Indonesia. Based on this, awareness is needed for the community not to depend on PPE, which in fact is very rare and difficult to obtain, especially in Mekar Jaya Village. Therefore, community service involves the community, in this case the youth and Thematic KKN students in making creative models such as making masks using materials at home as well as handsanitizers from the local wisdom of the local community as the output of counseling by the service team. Keywords: Covid 19, Creativity Model, Local Wisdom, Village Topic: Humanities |
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