Type of Lecturer Competences and Their Relation to Writing Proficiency
Sawaludin (a*), Rizal Arisman (b), Baharudin Adu (c)

Hasanuddin University Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia


The problems that were discussed in this research were 1) is there any relationship between pedagogic competence, professional competence, personality competence, and social competence partially and writing proficiency and 2) which type of those competences had the highest relationship on writing proficiency. This research employed the ex-post-facto method. The population was the semester four students at English Education Study Program of Dayanu Ikhsanuddin University, Baubau. There were 51 students were as sample of this research, selected using a simple random sampling technique. The data collected using questionnaire and writing test. The research outcome obtained: 1) there was a positive and poor relationship of pedagogic competence and writing proficiency, since the score of correlation was 0.355- there was a positive and strong relationship of professional competence and writing proficiency, since the score of correlation was 0.602- there was a positive and very poor relationship of personality competence and writing proficiency, since the score of correlation was 0.199- and there was a positive and very strong relationship of social competence and writing proficiency, since the score of correlation was 0.962 and 2) type of the lecturer competence which had the highest relationship on writing proficiency was the social competence with the score of correlation was 0.962 which was in very strong category.

Keywords: Lecturer competence- Writing proficiency

Topic: Humanities

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