La Ino, Lilik Rita Lindayani, Syahrun, La Ode Topo Jers, Aswati, Maliudin, Samsul, Wa Ode Halfian

Universitas Halu Oleo


The very significant distribution of the Corona Virus Disease (Covid 19) continues to show an increase, thus stimulating the government^s fast and precise work in its efforts to overcome it. Various ways have been carried out by the government, especially the Southeast Sulawesi provincial government, both in the nature of implementation in the field through spraying disinfectants, or through circulars and oral announcements related to Covid 19, including appeals to Work From Home and social distancing which is conveyed officially through YouTube recordings and letters circular. However, not a few people pay attention to this, which is shown by the many activities that involve many people. Therefore, efforts are needed that can be more effective from the government, including using persuasive actions by touching public awareness, one of which can be done through the local language. By using the local language approach, this service is carried out to raise public awareness of the importance of preventing the transmission of Covid 19 where the virus has caused deaths of up to 9%, which is currently still increasing in number. In addition to regional languages, this service also targets people^s understanding, especially youth, of foreign terms related to the Covid 19 pandemic, both in terms of health and social, food and economic sectors which are very close to everyday life but are still poorly understood by them. An understanding of these terms is important, given their inherent impact on the public profession.

Keywords: Local languages, Covid 19, Soropia District

Topic: Humanities

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