Legal Construction of Strengthening Traditional Art Market in Denpasar City in Creating a Healthy Business Competition Climate
Ni Luh Made Mahendrawati (a*), IB Gede Agustya Maha Putra (b)

Fakultas Hukum Universitas Warmadewa


In developing healthy business competition, it requires systematic and coordination which is integrated each other sectors. Particularly, regulation and protection of the business legal approach is needed to ensure business do not have negative impacts. This study aims to determine the existence of a traditional art market in Denpasar City and to determine the legal construction of strengthening it. This study is designed by using descriptive analytical method with a normative legal approach to examine settings from a juridical, sociological and philosophical standpoints. The results show that there was a legal appropriate arrangement in structuring and fostering traditional art market, leading to healthy business competition. Access to economic resources in the field of tourism can be obtained fairly by all entrepreneurs, irrespective of their sizes.

Keywords: Legal construction- Traditional art market- Healthy business competition

Topic: Humanities

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