The Jargon Used in Kaskus Warmadewa University Abstract This study intends to find out the kinds of jargon used in Kaskus forum. The method applied in this study is a descriptive method which the data are described qualitatively through semantic point of view. The basic theory used in this study is taken from the theory of Fromkin and Rodman in their book entitled An Introduction to Language. Based on analysis of kinds of jargon used in Kaskus, it was found that there are three kinds of jargon found in Kaskus. Furthermore, the three kinds of jargon found in Kaskus are classified into three categories. The first is jargon related user^s reputation, second is related to buying and selling activities, and the last one is related to popular utterance. In conclusion, Jargon is a special language that is used in a particular field, a particular environment, and a particular situation. In Kaskus Forum, it discovered that there are 114 words considered as jargon from Kaskus Keywords: Jargon- Kinds of jargon- Kaskus Topic: Humanities |
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