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Economics |
ABS-256 |
Community-Based Tourism Management Model for Sustainable Development in Jalawastu Roby Setiadi, Andi Yulianto
Management, Faculty of Economic and Bussines, Universitas Muhadi Setibudi, Brebes, Indonesia
Exploring the Community-Based Tourism Management Model for Sustainable Development in Jalawastu, this study delves into local participation and environmental stewardship as key drivers. It aims to understand how community engagement and sustainable practices can foster economic growth and conservation in Jalawastu^s unique setting. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of community-based tourism management in promoting sustainable development in Jalawastu. This quantitative study employs a survey methodology, conducting structured interviews with 330 respondents, and analyzes the data using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The main finding from the structural model suggests that local community participation, education and environmental awareness, and tourism product innovation are positively influencing government policies, which in turn have a slightly negative impact on sustainable tourism. The implications derived from the model suggest that enhancing local community participation, environmental awareness, and innovative tourism products could be pivotal in influencing government policies to better support sustainable tourism outcomes.
Keywords: tourism innovation- government policies- sustainable tourism
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Economics |
ABS-261 |
Digital Zakat Paying Behavior: An Epistemological Approach Fery Setiawan, Hariyati
Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo
This paper aims to examine the phenomenon of digital zakat paying behavior as one of the impacts of innovation in the Islamic financial sector using an epistemological philosophy approach. Specifically, this paper examines one of the sub-theories in Management, namely Marketing Management. Consumer behavior is part of marketing theory, which in this paper takes the phenomenon of zakat paying behavior through digital media. The use of a management system cannot be separated from the epistemology used. So this paper attempts to connect the basic behavior of muzakki in paying zakat digitally with management philosophy
Keywords: Zakat, Digital, Epistemological Philosophy
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| Corresponding Author (Fery Setiawan I)
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Economics |
ABS-9 |
The Nexus of Interest Rate, Foreign Exchange Rate, Profitability, and Leverage on Stock Returns in the Indonesia LQ45 Companies Andewi Rokhmawati, Rifo Firmansyah, Fitri Fitri, Elvi Rahmayanti
Universitas Riau
Companies must maintain their stock price high to maximize the existing shareholders^ wealth. Maintaining the companies^ solid fundamentals to cope with the macroeconomic turmoil is crucial to sustaining its excellent financial performance. This study analyzes the effect of interest rates, foreign exchange rates, and leverage on profitability- interest rates, foreign exchange, leverage, and profitability on stock returns- the profitability in mediating the effect of interest rates, foreign exchange rates, and leverage on stock returns. This research was carried out in the Indonesian capital market from 2018 to 2020, involving 37 samples out of 45 Liquid companies (ILQ45). Path analysis with the Sobel test was used to analyze the data. The results found that interest rates and foreign exchange negatively and significantly affect profitability. Interest rate, foreign exchange, and leverage negatively and significantly affect stock returns, and profitability significantly positively affects stock returns. Profitability negatively and significantly mediates the effect of interest and exchange rates on stock returns. These results imply that investors respond negatively to the increase in the interest rate due to the high level of companies^ leverage. The companies^ leverages have reached an optimum level. Companies were vulnerable to interest rate changes and foreign exchange changes. As a result, the companies are exposed to a higher financial risk. Hence, companies should pay more attention to managing their leverage before they have difficulties in cash flows.
Keywords: Interest Rate- Foreign Exchange Rate- Leverage- Profitability- Stock Return
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| Corresponding Author (Andewi Rokhmawati)
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Economics |
ABS-266 |
1. Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
2. Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
3. Universitas Aisah Pringsewu Lampung
This research aims to identify and analyze effective Human Resource Management (HRM) strategies in enhancing the competitiveness of graduates from the Faculty of Economics at Singaperbangsa Karawang University in the Digital Era. The rapidly evolving digital era presents new challenges in the realms of education and the job market, necessitating a responsive and adaptive human resource management approach. A qualitative research method was employed, involving literature review, in-depth interviews, participatory observation, content analysis, and focus group discussions. Research findings indicate that effective human resource management strategies involve the development of digital skills, enhanced collaboration among individuals, curriculum adjustments to meet industry demands, and the cultivation of soft skills such as communication and adaptability. The implementation of these strategies aims to provide graduates with a profound understanding of technology, teamwork capabilities, and readiness to face changes in the job market. A lifelong learning approach is introduced to ensure graduates continually develop themselves through relevant training and professional development. The results of this research are expected to contribute to the development of human resource management focused on enhancing the competitiveness of graduates in the digital era. Practical implications of this research include recommendations for curriculum improvement, training program development, and the implementation of institutional policies supporting effective human resource management strategies at the Faculty of Economics, Singaperbangsa Karawang University.
Keywords: Human Resource Management- Competitiveness- Digital Skills
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| Corresponding Author (Eman Sulaeman)
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Economics |
ABS-17 |
An Anti-Fragile Personality in The Relationship of Transformational Leadership to Innovation Performance in Black Swan Events to Overcome Cynicism About Organizational Change M. Trihudiyatmanto (a*), Ari Pranaditya (a), Heri Purwanto (b), Alfian Yuda Prasetiyo (c)
a) Faculty of Economics, Sultan Agung Islamic University, Semarang, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Economics and Business, Central Java Al-Qur^an Science University in Wonosobo
c) Madiun Indonesian Railway Polytechnic
To maintain organizational growth in a volatile environment, organizations must build effective systems to innovate and evolve from threats and stressors such as anti-fragility. The COVID 19 pandemic, which some scientists consider a ^Black Swan Event^ has transformed, disrupted the normal business order into a new normal that leaves some organizations unable to survive, although for some others it is able to innovate in the face of this extraordinary turmoil.
This study is intended to look at the relationship between transformational leadership behavior (TLB) and the performance of organizational innovation, moderated with one construction of attitudinal leadership which rarely observed, cynicism about organizational change (CAOC) and anti-fragile personality in the condition of Black Swan COVID19.
This research method is qualitative research, by examining the relationship between Transformational Leadership Behavior (TLB) variables and Innovation Performance (IP) which is moderated by Cynicism about Organizational Change (CAOC) and The Anti-Fragile Mutawakkil Personality (TAMP). The data source was carried out purposively by taking MSMEs in Wonosobo Regency.
The implication of this research is as material for MSMEs to determine the right policies in the atmosphere of a ^Black Swan Event^ so that they are able to survive and innovate to continue developing their businesses.
Keywords: Transformational Leadership- Optimism, Cynicism about Organizational Change- Innovative Performance- Black Swan Events- Theory of Reasoned Action
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| Corresponding Author (M. Trihudiyatmanto)
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Economics |
ABS-19 |
Self-Reliance Of Balikpapan City As A Partner Of The Capital City Of The Nusantara (IKN) Juwari (a*), Nurlia (a), Dwi Susilowati (a), Didik Hadiyatno (a), Nadi Hernadi Moorcy (a)
a)Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Balikpapan University, Balikpapan City, Indonesia
The plan to relocate the Capital City to The Nusantara (IKN) in East Kalimantan Province, and the increasingly vigorous acceleration of infrastructure development in the Capital City of The Nusantara (IKN), has an impact on the development of the surrounding area, especially Balikpapan City. This study aims to determine the effect of using APBD from regional revenue sources to be able to spend regional development independently. The factors that influence it (sources of regional income) are Regional Original Revenue (PAD), Balancing Funds, and Other Legal Revenues, where Balikpapan City can be independent as a partner of the Capital City of The Nusantara (IKN) can have a simultaneous or partial influence on local governments in this case the object of research in the city of Balikpapan as a partner of the Capital City of The Nusantara (IKN). The data used in the form of secondary data was obtained from the Office of the Balikpapan City Regional Finance and Asset Management Agency. While the method used The sampling technique in this study uses saturated sampling. Based on the results of simultaneous tests that the variables of Regional Original Revenue, Balancing Fund, and Other Legal Income together have a significant influence on Regional Expenditure in Balikpapan City, and are able to spend the area. Partially, the Regional Original Revenue has a significant and dominant influence in financing regional development, while the Equalization Fund and Other Legal Regional Revenues have a less significant influence in financing regional development.
Keywords: Regional Expenditure- Regional Original Revenue (PAD)- Balancing Funds- and Other Legal Revenues
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| Corresponding Author (Juwari Juwari)
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Economics |
ABS-21 |
Holtekamps Microfinance Landscape: Navigating Challenges, Fostering Community Engagement Agustinus Hartopo1[0009-0009-8234-3771], Andjar Prasetyo2[0000-0001-5275-0223], Heri Wahyudianto1[0000-0003-3297-1146]
1 Regional Development Planning Agency of Papua Province, Jayapura, Papua Province, Indonesia
2 Regional Development Planning Agency of Magelang City, Central Java Province, Indonesia
This research is a focused analysis of BUMKam (Village-Owned Enterprises) in Holtekamp, Jayapura, with a particular emphasis on the microfinance units. The study^s primary goal is to delve into the untapped potential of these microfinance units and scrutinize the key challenges impeding their ef-fective management. The research reveals a notable deficiency in the integra-tion and coordination among the various BUMKam units in Holtekamp. This lack of synergy leads to suboptimal revenue generation within the micro-finance sector. Moreover, the research identifies low levels of community participation and a deficit in essential managerial skills as additional barriers to the efficient operation of these microfinance units. A crucial finding of the study is the pressing need for a comprehensive BUMKam model. This model should feature interconnected units that can facilitate the establish-ment of integrated markets, encompassing a broad spectrum of economic ac-tivities such as goods, money, labor, loan funds, stocks, and exports. By im-plementing such a holistic approach, the microfinance sector can be revital-ized within the BUMKam framework, contributing to sustainable economic growth and financial stability in Holtekamp, Jayapura. This research offers valuable insights into the microfinance landscape, emphasizing its pivotal role in the prosperity and development of the local community.
Keywords: Microfinance, Village-Owned Enterprises, Community participation, Reve-nue generation
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| Corresponding Author (Andjar Prasetyo)
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Economics |
ABS-22 |
Development of Sustainable Coconut Bioindustrial Farming in Raja Ampat Regency, West Papua Demas Wamaer1[0000-0003-1884-110X] and Andjar Prasetyo2[0000-0001-5275-0223]
1 Centre for Macroeconomic and Financial Research, National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
2 Regional Development Planning Agency of Magelang City, Central Java Province, Indonesia
Sustainable agriculture in Raja Ampat Regency, West Papua, is the main fo-cus of efforts to achieve food security and reduce environmental impacts. This research presents the development of coconut bioindustry innovation as a sustainable solution. Agricultural land is considered not only as a natural resource, but also as an industry that utilises production factors to produce food and bioenergy products with the principles of reducing, reusing and re-cycling. This research produced an environmentally friendly coconut bioin-dustrial farming model in Raja Ampat Regency. The results showed that the use of gradual heating and vinegar acidification methods produced quality cooking oil. Fishing and centrifugation methods are used to produce quality Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO). Farmers^ response to the new technology was high, especially regarding the innovation in cooking oil production, with an acceptance rate of 44%.Production of quality coconut oil reached 1200 bot-tles (1 litre) per week, while VCO reached approximately 250 bottles (150 bottles of 250 ml and 100 bottles of 600 ml). These results show that the de-velopment of coconut bio-industrial agriculture can contribute to food secu-rity and waste reduction in Raja Ampat Regency, as well as create sustaina-ble economic opportunities for local communities. This research provides a foundation to support sustainable agriculture in this area and the surrounding region.
Keywords: Sustainable agriculture, Raja Ampat Regency, Coconut bioindustry, Food se-curity, Environmental impacts, Virgin Coconut Oil
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| Corresponding Author (Andjar Prasetyo)
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Economics |
ABS-29 |
C. Prihandoyo1, Nina Indriastuty2,3, Adi Hermawansyah4
Sendy Christin Noviyanti5
1,2,4,5 Management study program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Balikpapan University
Jl.Pupuk Raya No.1 Damai Bahagia Balikpapan, East Kalimantan , Indonesia
3 Student of the Management Science Doctoral Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Brawijaya University , Malang , Indonesia
Aviation is an important part of the tourism sector in an increasingly competitive and fast-paced world. The aviation industry is vital to global business. An interesting area of research in the aviation industry is customer satisfaction due to the complexity of human behavior and perception. The increase in the number of passengers was not accompanied by a very low level of passenger enthusiasm for customer service, which had an impact on customer satisfaction and the company^s reputation. The analysis tool for this research uses Multiple Linear Regression with a statistical package for social sciences (SPSS Version 26) on service quality on passenger satisfaction. The physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy provided by SAMS Sepinggan Balikpapan Airport CS on passenger satisfaction has been proven to be related and based on partial tests, the reliability of CS has the most dominant influence on passenger satisfaction. By providing the service quality measures provided by this study, airports can increase customer satisfaction and legislators can use them to create marketing strategies that drive demand for air travel and increase the economic and social benefits of the air transportation sector.
Keywords : Quality of Service, Customer Satisfaction, Servqual
Keywords: Quality of Service, Customer Satisfaction, Servqual
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| Corresponding Author (Cornelius Prihandoyo)
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Economics |
ABS-36 |
Developing Collaborative Culture: Cultural Change Through Community Collaboration and Economic Growth Lisa Yuniarti1[0000-0002-3183-8784], Andjar Prasetyo2[0000-0001-5275-0223], Luthfiyah Lestari3[0009-0007-4405-2602]
1 National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
2 Regional Development Planning Agency of Magelang City, Central Java Province, Indone-sia
3 University of Tidar Magelang, Central Java Province, Indonesia
This research investigates the emergence of a collaborative culture in Central Java Province and its far-reaching implications for cultural transformation and economic advancement. Focusing on community collaboration within the province, this qualitative study actively engages local communities in various collaborative endeavors aimed at cultural development. Data collec-tion methods encompass in-depth interviews with members of Central Java^s cultural communities, participatory observations, and document analysis. Thematic analysis of the collected data reveals the profound cultural changes resulting from community collaboration. The study^s findings emphasize that the development of a collaborative culture has engendered substantial cultur-al evolution in Central Java. Diverse community groups coming together have fostered the exchange of ideas, exploration of local cultural potential, and the creation of more inclusive cultural works. Moreover, the research underscores the economic impact of cultivating a collaborative culture in Central Java. Collaborative cultural initiatives have contributed to economic growth within the province through avenues such as increased cultural tour-ism, growth in the creative industry, promotion of local cultural products, and the generation of employment opportunities in the cultural sector. This research offers a comprehensive insight into the role of collaborative culture in instigating cultural change and its subsequent influence on economic de-velopment in Central Java Province. The implications of this study can serve as a valuable resource for policymakers, community leaders, and stakehold-ers in advancing sustainable cultural and economic development in the re-gion.
Keywords: Collaborative Culture, Cultural Transformation, Economic Growth, Central Java Province, Community Collaboration, Sustainable Development
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| Corresponding Author (A Prasetyo)
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Economics |
ABS-37 |
Enhancing Fisheries Resilience through Stakeholder Collaboration in East Java, Indonesia Herrukmi Septa Rinawati1[0000-0001-8370-7391], Andjar Prasetyo2[0000-0001-5275-0223], Heri Wahyudianto1[0000-0003-3297-1146]
1 Regional Research and Innovation Agency of East Java Province, Indonesia,
2 Regional Development Planning Agency of Magelang City, Central Java Province, Indone-sia
3 Regional Development Planning Agency of Papua Province, Jayapura, Papua Province, Indonesia
This research explores efforts to enhance fisheries resilience in East Java Province, Indonesia, by promoting collaboration among various stakeholders with vested interests in the fishing industry. The study prioritizes an ap-proach that actively engages stakeholders as key elements in sustainable fisheries management. Research methods encompass the analysis of prevail-ing fisheries policies in East Java and their effects on the economy and the environment. The involvement of diverse parties, including fishermen, local government, entrepreneurs, and community members, constitutes a pivotal aspect of holistic fisheries management efforts. The study^s findings reveal that collaboration among multiple stakeholders in the fishing industry has yielded positive outcomes. The implementation of fisheries policies involv-ing stakeholders has made substantial contributions to economic growth in the region, the preservation of marine resources, and the improvement of the well-being of local communities. This study provides profound insights into the pivotal role of stakeholder collaboration in driving fisheries resilience and its positive impact on economic development in East Java Province. The implications of this research can serve as a valuable reference for policy-makers, community leaders, and stakeholders involved in fostering sustaina-ble fisheries development in the region
Keywords: Fisheries Resilience, Stakeholder Collaboration, East Java Province, Sustain-able Fisheries Management, Economic Impact, Policy Analysis
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| Corresponding Author (A Prasetyo)
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Economics |
ABS-51 |
Universitas Halu Oleo
The digital transformation of halal certification services in Indonesia is conducted through the SIHALAL application. This application is expected to encourage the halal ecosystem in Indonesia and increase product competitiveness in the global halal industry. This research examines the SIHALAL mechanism as a database of halal industry business actors in Indonesia to encourage the competitiveness of halal products in the global market. Research data was obtained from publications by the The Halal Product Assurance Organizing Body (BPJPH) of Indonesia. The research data collected are in the form of halal certificates based on the registrant country and the market orientation. Competitiveness calculations use the ratio between the number of Indonesian products that have an international market orientation to the number of foreign products that are certified in Indonesia. SIHALAL is focused on halal product certificates. The number of halal certificates that have global competitiveness is 0.5 percent, and the number of halal products is 6.5 percent. The number of domestic products oriented to international markets that have halal certificates is greater than the number of foreign products. This implies that Indonesia is superior in the global halal market in terms of the number of products. This research recommends improving SIHALAL in supporting the halal industrial ecosystem and global competitiveness through the addition of an integrated database as a reference for policy by other related institutions in increasing the competitiveness of business actors in the global halal market.
Keywords: digital- transformation- competitiveness- halal- industry
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| Corresponding Author (Ernawati Ernawati)
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Economics |
ABS-308 |
Application of Good Nazhir Education (GNE) Effectiveness to Improve the Professionalism of Nazhir Muhammadiyah Surabaya in Supporting a Sustainable Waqf Ecosystem Arin Setiyowati, Fatkur Huda, Erdin Nadid, Moh Ali, Irwansyah, Moh Ali Fais
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya
Waqf management is still a challenge for waqf managers, especially the Nazhir Waqf Muhammadiyah in Surabaya. Being in an urban and densely populated area so that the existence of waqf land requires complex management skills and patterns. This condition certainly needs the role of nadzir in utilizing waqf so that it becomes a productive waqf. The problem is that there is still a low level of waqf literacy and waqf asset management skills so that the utilization of waqf assets has not been optimal towards productive waqf. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of GNE (Good Nazhir Education) Apps media to improve the professionalism of Nazhir Muhammadiyah in Surabaya in supporting a sustainable waqf ecosystem. The research method used is Qualitative with a Case Study approach. Data collection is done through observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques used data reduction, data interpretation and data display. The results of the study show that GNE (Good Nazhir Education) Apps media is effective in improving the professionalism of Nazhir Muhammadiyah in Surabaya in supporting a sustainable waqf ecosystem.
Keywords: Nazhir- Waqf- Professional- Muhammadiyah- Sustainable
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| Corresponding Author (Arin Setiyowati)
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Economics |
ABS-58 |
Territorial Assets and Sustainable Development: A Study of Competitiveness in Central Java^s Regencies Siti Maemunah1[0000-0003-4872-6743], Andjar Prasetyo2[0000-0001-5275-0223], Heri Wahyudianto1[0000-0003-3297-1146]
1 Research Center for Domestic Government, Indonesian National Research and Innovation Agency, Jakarta, 12710, Indonesia
2 Regional Development Planning Agency of Magelang City, Central Java Province, Indone-sia
3 Regional Development Planning Agency of Papua Province, Jayapura, Papua Province, Indonesia
This research investigates the role of Regional Capital in shaping competi-tiveness and development in the districts of Blora, Rembang, Jepara, Kudus and Pati, located in Central Java, Indonesia. The research focuses on the di-versity of economic, social, cultural and natural assets in each region, and analyses their impact on regional competitiveness. The research methodology is based on qualitative description with secondary data collection from the publication Mapping Regional Competitiveness of Central Java Province 2018-2023. The research findings show that effective integration of these as-sets, within the Regional Capital framework, has significant positive implica-tions for competitiveness and development in the five districts. These in-sights provide a clearer understanding of the dynamics of regional develop-ment in Central Java Province. Therefore, local governments can use these findings to formulate more specific and relevant policies that are tailored to the unique characteristics of each region. This research makes a significant contribution in understanding the potential and challenges of development in Blora, Rembang, Jepara, Kudus and Pati districts. The results of this study are expected to guide policy makers in optimising resources and improving sustainable welfare in these regions.
Keywords: Territorial Capital, Regional Competitiveness, Central Java, Sustainable De-velopment, Local Economies
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| Corresponding Author (Andjar Prasetyo)
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Economics |
ABS-326 |
The Influence of Digital Marketing and Brand Image on Consumer Buying Interest With Customer Satisfaction As A Mediating Variable Fitra Ramadan, Dra Marlina Kurnia,M.M , Luk Luk Atul Hidayati, S.E.,M.M and Ariq Fikria Niagasi, S.M.,M.M
Management, Faculty Economics and Business, Muhammadiyah Magelang University
Jalan Tidar 21 Kota Magelang
After Covid 19, all business sectors have to rack their brains about the business strategies they must do in order to be able to rise and compete again, one of which is PT Armada Tunas Jaya Magelang, especially on two-wheeled vehicles. Companies must understand their customers, and know the factors that influence customer buying interest, so that they can adjust the right strategy to be implemented. This study aims to test whether there is an influence of digital marketing and brand image on consumer buying interest with customer satisfaction as a mediating variable in Honda brand matic motorcycle consumers in Magelang City using the accidental sampling method. The population of this study was Honda brand matic motorcycle customers in Magelang City and obtained a sample of 100 respondents. Test the hypothesis performed using multiple linear regression analysis with the help of SPSS program version 21.0. The results of this study show that digital marketing and brand image have a positive effect on buying interest. Digital marketing and brand image positively affect customer satisfaction with a percentage of 25.5% because customers think of the ease of information they get and the mindset about good Honda products. Customer satisfaction positively affects buying interest and also mediates digital marketing and brand image on buying interest.
Keywords: Digital Marketing - Brand Image - Buying Interest - Customer satisfaction
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| Corresponding Author (Marlina Kurnia)
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Economics |
ABS-327 |
The Influence of Organizational Readiness on e-Commerce Adoption and Its Impact on Micro-enterprises Performance Anissa Hakim Purwantini, Lukluk Atul Hidayati, Frank Aligarh
Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Mas Said Surakarta
The aim of this research is to test and analyze the influence of technological readiness, organizational readiness and the environment on e-commerce adoption and its impact on MSME performance empirically. This research used samples from MSMEs in the Food and Beverage Sector in Magelang City using a convenience sampling method, obtaining a sample of 115 samples. Based on the results of data analysis using SEM-PLS, this research shows that Organizational Readiness has a positive effect on e-commerce adoption. Meanwhile, Technology Readiness, External Environment, and Mobile Environment have no effect on E-Commerce Adoption. Furthermore, E-Commerce Adoption has a positive effect on MSME Performance.
Keywords: e-commerce, Organizational Readiness, Micro-enterprises Performance
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| Corresponding Author (Anissa Hakim Purwantini)
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Economics |
ABS-334 |
The Influence of Corporate Governance and Firm Age on the Dividend Payment Policy of Indonesian Banking Companies Catur Rahayu Martiningtiyas, Anita Roosmalina Matusin, Sofiah Baisa, Zulfa Sukainah
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Universitas Trisakti
This research aims to analyze the influence of corporate governance and firm age on dividend payment policies in Indonesian banking companies because there has not been much GCG research on dividend policies in Indonesian financial companies.
The analytical method used in this research is hypothesis testing with multiple regression with the research object of banking companies in Indonesia.The research results show that the number of independent directors has no effect on the company^s policy in providing dividends. The research results show that the number of independent directors has no effect on the company^s policy in providing dividends. The number of board meetings has a negative effect on the company^s policy in providing dividends. audit committee size has a positive effect on company policy in providing dividends. firm age has a positive influence on company policy in providing dividends..
Keywords: Corporate Governance, Board Independence, Dividend Policy
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| Corresponding Author (Catur Rahayu Martiningtiyas)
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Economics |
ABS-80 |
Analysis of Financial Statements in Sustainable Business SME Culinary in Karawang Regency Irvan Y.Pardistya1), Heikal M.Zakaria2), Wirman3)
Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
The study aims to analyze financial statements on the sustainability of culinary businesses in Karawang Regency. The subject of this study was a culinary company that operated in Karawang Regency for 3 years, so that 30 Culinary MSMEs were obtained in Karawang Regency. The test results show that financial statements affect business continuity. Managers and Employee understand the importance of knowing financial statements in business development strategies. Make a proper and good financial report illustrating the sustainability of culinary businesses that are able to compete in the market for a long time, so that business actors still survive.
Keywords: Business Continuity, Financial Statements, Culinary SMEs
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| Corresponding Author (Irvan Yoga Pardistya)
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Economics |
ABS-339 |
Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
This research aims to examine the effect of green supply chain management on MSME performance with competitive advantage as a mediating variable. Sampling used purposive sampling, with 344 culinary SME^s managers as respondents. The sample criteria are culinary SMEs in Magelang Regency who have a workforce of at least 5 people and their business is more than 2 years old. The analysis tool used is path analysis using SmartPLS 3.0 software. The research results show that green supply chain management and competitive advantage partially have a positive effect on company performance, green supply chain management has a positive effect on competitive advantage, and competitive advantage has an effect on SME^s performance and competitive advantage can mediate the relationship between green supply chain management and SME^s performance.
Keywords: Green Supply Chain Management- SME^s Performance, Competitive Advantage
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| Corresponding Author (Ayu Amalia Rahmawati)
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Economics |
ABS-340 |
Assessing the Role of Information Communication Technology in Environmental Sustainability of the Middle East and North African Countries: A Panel Generalized Method of Moments Approach. Siti Aisyah, Dinar Wahyuningrum, Aflit Nuryulia Praswati, Huda Maulana
1,2,3 Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
4. Reykjavik University
Climate change has been a serious threat to environmental sustainability for the past decades. The Middle East and North African (MENA) countries are some of the most vulnerable in facing the ordeal due to increased risk of higher temperature, prolonged drought, and polluted air. Numerous studies have explored the increased role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in all aspect of human life including its impact to the environment, and yet the studies have found contradicting results. This study examined the impact of information technology (ICT) on environmental sustainability in MENA region. We used annual dataset from the World Development Indicators and employed Arellano-Bond dynamic panel data model to further investigate the short and long run effect. Our findings suggest that there is a potential in using ICT, education and tourism to promote environment sustainability in selected MENA countries. Policymakers need to exercise improved education programs, broader and better access in ICT, and also promoting sustainable tourism policies.
Keywords: MENA, Panel GMM, Information and Communication Technology, Environmental Sustainability.
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| Corresponding Author (Siti Aisyah)
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Economics |
ABS-342 |
THE ROLE OF ORGANIZATIONAL RESILIENCE ON ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE IN CREATIVITY MEDIATION (Case Study at PT. Asuransi Kredit Indonesia Regional Office III Semarang)it This Sample Abstract Radityo Satryo Yoedhanto, Muhdiyanto
Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang - UNIMMA
This research aims to empirically test the influence of organizational resilience on organizational performance which is mediated by creativity. This research uses a point of viewresource based theory. This research was conducted at PT. Indonesian Credit Insurance Regional Office III Semarang took the form of a survey. This research method uses techniquespurposive sampling or with certain criteria. The criteria used in this research are: employees have sufficient work experience and employees are familiar with the organization^s culture. The number of samples in this study was 50 respondents. The analytical tool used is multiple linear regression analysis withsoftware SPSS 24. The results of this research are that the organizational resilience variable has a positive effect on organizational performance, organizational resilience has a positive effect on creativity, creativity has a positive effect on organizational performance and creativity is able to mediate the organizational resilience variable on organizational performance.
Keywords: Organizational Performance, Organizational Resilience and Creativity.
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| Corresponding Author (Radityo Satryo Yoedhanto)
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Economics |
ABS-90 |
Tradition-Based Tourism: The Influence of Sea Offering on Local Economic Development and Policy in Brebes Andi Yulianto, Roby Setiadi
Management, Faculty of Economic and Bussines, Universitas Muhadi Setibudi, Brebes, Indonesia
This study investigates the cultural phenomenon of the Sea Offering in Brebes, a tradition-steeped event with potential implications for tourism and local development. It posits that this ritual, embedded within the community^s heritage, could serve as a catalyst for economic and policy transformation. The research evaluates how Brebes^ Sea Offering ceremony affects local economic development and influences governmental policy amid modernization. The study employs SEM and data from 200 respondents to analyze how Brebes^ Sea Offering impacts economic growth and policy in the context of modernization. The SEM analysis reveals that the Sea Offering and the level of modernization significantly predict government policy, which in turn, does not show a significant direct effect on the local economy. Instead, the Sea Offering itself is a strong predictor of economic development, independently of government intervention. These findings suggest that tradition-based tourism, particularly the Sea Offering, is an inherent driver of local economic growth, overshadowing the direct influence of government policy. This underscores the need for policymakers to consider the intrinsic value of cultural events in economic planning and to foster an environment that supports the natural evolution of traditional practices within the modern economy.
Keywords: sea offering- local economic- government polcy
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Economics |
ABS-346 |
Navigating Online Success: Innovation, Interaction, and Customer Engagement in E-commerce Performance Aflit Nuryulia Praswati (a*), I Made Sukresna (b)
Universitas Diponegoro
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
This research delves into the intricate relationship between online shop performance and key factors such as innovative interaction orientation, social media capabilities, and customer participation. The survey involved 100 internet store operators as participants, utilizing a questionnaire with Likert Scale measures for data collection. Employing a SEM model with partial least squares (PLS) methodology, the study reveals that innovative interaction orientation significantly influences social media capabilities. While social media capabilities positively impact online shop performance, they also play a crucial role in enhancing customer engagement. Surprisingly, customer engagement^s impact on online performance is statistically insignificant. Notably, social media^s effectiveness in influencing online shop success is highlighted through customer participation. This study underscores the pivotal roles of innovative interaction orientation, social media skills, customer engagement, and online store success.
Keywords: customer engagement, innovation interaction orientation, online shop performance, social media capabilities
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24 |
Economics |
ABS-349 |
A Bibliometric Mapping Of Good Corporate Governance Research: Past, Present, And The Future Widaryanti (a*), Wan Amalina Wan Abdullah (b)
a) Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Pelita Nusantara, Semarang, Indonesia- Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Terengganu, Malaysia
b) Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Terengganu, Malaysia
A thorough literature review and bibliometric analysis are undertaken in this work to give a general overview of Good Corporate Governance research. This work does a bibliometric analysis of global research on good corporate governance. Between 2018 and 2022, 216 pertinent studies from the Scopus Collection database were examined. An overall conceptual structure is first suggested based on a literature analysis that identifies the categories of Good Corporate Governance. VoSviewer technologies display the co-authorship, co-occurrence, and co-citation network, which reveals the social and intellectual structure and identifies the hotspots. The results of this research assist in understanding the development of Good Corporate Governance objectively and identifying potential future research. The standard bibliometric indicators report various aspects of the research productivity, including document and source types, language of publications, subject area, most active source title, distribution of publications by countries, most active institutions, authorship, keywords, title, abstract analysis, and citation analysis. From 2018 to 2022, the pace of growth in publications on Good Corporate Governance increased. Nevertheless, there has been a little decrease from 2020 to 2021. A diverse group of 87 authors from 15 nations have collaborated on numerous good corporate governance studies published in English.
Keywords: Bibliometric- Good Corporate Governance- Potential Future Research- Research Trend
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| Corresponding Author (Widaryanti Widaryanti)
25 |
Economics |
ABS-95 |
The Strategic Role of Human Resources in Improving the Quality and Quantity of Animal Feed Production in Tegallega Village, Ciampel District, Karawang Regency Solehudin, Apid Hapid Maksum, Arip Solehudin
Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
This research aims to identify and analyze the strategic role of Human Resources in enhancing the quality and quantity of livestock feed production in Tegallega Village, Ciampel District, Karawang Regency. The research method employed is qualitative with a case study approach. The findings reveal that Human Resources play a strategic role throughout the livestock feed production chain in Tegallega Village. Factors such as knowledge, skills, and motivation of livestock farmers have a direct impact on improving the quality of animal feed. Education and training provided to farmers also significantly contribute to enhancing the quality and quantity of livestock feed production. Moreover, collaboration among livestock farmers, local government, and other stakeholders is key to creating an environment supportive of Human Resources development in the field of livestock farming. The research also identifies several challenges faced by Human Resources in efforts to improve livestock feed production, including resource limitations and access to technology. Understanding the strategic role of Human Resources, the research provides recommendations for the development of policies and training programs aimed at improving the quality and quantity of livestock feed production in Tegallega Village. The enhancement of Human Resources at the village level is expected to positively contribute to the overall productivity and well-being of livestock farmers.
Keywords: Strategic Role, Human Resources, Animal feed
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Economics |
ABS-99 |
Human Resource Assistance in Economic Improvement Through Digital Innovation in Animal Waste Processing in Karyamulya Village, Karawang. Arip Solehudin, Solehudin
Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
This research explores the crucial role of human resource assistance in implementing digital-based innovation in the processing of animal waste as a strategy to enhance economic competitiveness in Karyamulya Village, Batujaya Subdistrict, Karawang Regency. The primary focus of this study is to analyze the impact of human resource assistance on the acceptance and success of adopting digital technology in the livestock waste management sector. Involving an interdisciplinary approach, this research aims to contribute to the development of an effective assistance model that can be widely applied to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of innovation at the village level.
Keywords: Human Resource Assistance, Digital Innovation, Economic Competitiveness
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| Corresponding Author (Arip Solehudin)
27 |
Economics |
ABS-114 |
Accountability for Management of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes): Determination Analysis Nur Laila Yuliani (1*), Aditya Prasetyawan (2), Pranita Siska Utami (3), Barkah Susanto (4)
Department of Accounting and Management, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang, 56122, Indonesia
Financial management accountability is a form of responsibility to stakeholders. The embodiment of this accountability is the presentation of reports starting from the planning, implementation, management and accountability processes. This is important to improve performance and public trust. However, there are still BUMDes that have not conveyed management accountability to the fullest. This research aims to test the influence of Understanding Permendesa No. 4 tahun 2015, Utilization of BUMDes Information and Management Systems for BUMDes Management Accountability. The sample in this study was BUMDes managers in Magelang Regency with a total of 65 respondents. The data analysis used is validity test, reliability test, and multiple linear regression with the SPSS application. The results of this research indicate that understanding Permendesa No. 4 tahun 2015, the use of information systems and BUMDes management has a positive effect on management accountability in BUMDes in the Magelang Regency area. This research will develop knowledge related to public sector accounting, especially regarding the accountability of BUMDes management. This can be used as a step to increase the businesses sustainability of BUMDes, so that it can improve the welfare and economy of village communities.
Keywords: Permendesa No. 4 Tahun 2015, Utilization of Information Systems, BUMDes Management and Accountability of BUMDes Management.
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| Corresponding Author (Nur Laila Yuliani)
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Economics |
ABS-373 |
Scale-Up SME Readiness Analysis to Plan Mentorship Program in Achieving Sustainable Competitive Advantage Oesman Raliby Al manan, Effendi Bin Mohamad, Hambali Bin Arep
Faculty of Industrial and Manufacturing Technology and Engineering, University Teknikal Melaka Malaysia
Based on records from the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, the contribution of MSMEs to the Indonesian economy in the last 10 years has experienced relative stagnation. It was recorded that 99.7% were still micro businesses and part of the subsistence economy, with the entrepreneurship ratio still below 3.47 percent. So the President launched the Inclusive Partnership Movement for MSMEs to Upgrade. Assessment of the readiness of MSMEs to advance to class is important for class ranking for MSMEs.,
Objective: Specifically, this research aims to assess the readiness of MSMEs to upgrade as a strategic step for the development and growth of small businesses. Because this research provides theoretical implications and managerial implications regarding the steps that must be taken by both small and medium enterprises and stakeholders to grow and develop their businesses.
Method: This study was carried out not only by distributing questionnaires, but also by conducting a direct survey to test the parameters or criteria for determining the MSME Class Ranking.
Results: Based on the studies conducted, it shows that the journey for MSMEs to move up a class is not an easy thing. At the pilot stage, SMEs have to overcome the so-called ^valley of death^. The next stage of development is the growth period- and progress, where each stage for each MSME is different. So that MSMEs can move up in class, a strategy is needed that focuses on efforts to increase sales turnover.
Contribution: This research is expected to help contribute to the stages of development of MSMEs in Magelang City, so that it can assist the City government in formulating policies related to MSMEs moving up a class.
Keywords: SMEs Scale-up, Mentorship, Sustainable Competitive
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| Corresponding Author (Oesman Raliby Almanan)
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Economics |
ABS-119 |
1,2,5Accounting Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia, 11440
3Program Diploma III Islamic Finance and Banking, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia, 11440
4Faculty of Accountancy, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Selangor, Kampus Puncak Alam, Selangor, Malaysia, 42300
*Corresponding Authors Email: windhy.puspitasari[at]trisakti.ac.id
The aim of this research is to examine the influence of Environmental Performance, Environmental Costs, Public Share Ownership, Green Accounting, Capital Structure and Firm Size on Financial Performance. This study utilises purposive sampling method to select 257 total samples of companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), that registered in Public Disclosure Program for Environmental Compliance (PROPER), from 3 categories (1.Basic Industry and Chemical, 2.Various Industries, 3.Consumer Goods Industries) for 2017-2021 period. Data collected was examined using panel data regression analysis technique. The results revealed only Environmental Performance and Public Share Ownership showed significant positive effect on Financial Performance, while Environmental Costs, Green Accounting, Capital Structure and Firm Size were not significant. The findings supported prevailing expectations that good environmental performance by company^s management may lead to increasing financial returns due to positive reputation it potrays. This study has limitation as it only reflects findings of public listed companies registered in PROPER. While other non-registrant may have embarked on environmental initiatives, such were difficult to verified unless disclosure is made. Future research may consider other variable (Risk Management) in assessing influence on financial performance and extended to include other countries within the region for comparison in findings.
Keywords: Environmental Performance- Environmental Cost- Public Share Ownership- Green Accounting- Capital Structure- Firm Size- Financial Performance
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| Corresponding Author (Windhy Puspitasari)
30 |
Economics |
ABS-375 |
Do Board and Audit Committee Characteristics Improve External Auditor Choice? Siti Noor Khikmah (a), Mudji Mranani (b), Indira Januarti (c)
(a,b) Faculty of Economics, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang, Indonesia-
(c) Departement of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
This study aimed to determine the effect of board and audit committee characteristics on external auditor choice by companies. The sample comprised 112 manufacturing companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) from 2016 - 2019. The data were tested using a logistic regression analysis approach. The results showed that the board of commissioners^ size and expertise, also the audit committee independence and expertise, also profitability are affect external auditor choice. The board of commissioners^ independence, the frequency of meetings, as well as size and number of audit committee meetings, and company size do not affect the external auditor choice. Therefore, future studies could examine auditor choice by increasing the time, using other indicators such as the function of the board of commissioners and the audit committee, and adding risk management variables.
Keywords: External auditor choice, board of commissioners, audit committee, company size, profitability.
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